Certified Vendor Directory
Looking for a vendor in the business continuity areas of recovery services, notification, software, hardware, facility services and more? This directory of DRI certified vendors (Certified Business Continuity Vendor or CBCV) is a resource dedicated to providing vendors that speak the same language and have the expertise you need.
The Certified Vendor CBCV Directory guarantees you will be working with professional service providers who have passed the same rigorous certification qualifications in business continuity that you have. There is no better way to find a vendor that understand your needs as a business continuity professional. This is the only directory dedicated to listing DRI-certified vendors who understand the professional practice of business continuity planning the same way you do. Each of these certified vendors have years of proven experience and expertise as planners, service providers and/or consultants.
Certified vendors have passed the same qualifying exams certified professionals have so you can be assured there is not only a common base of knowledge, but a shared dedication in advancing the business continuity field.

What CBCVs Are Saying:
"There are many advantages to having a CBCV. Holding this certification confers legitimacy in the business continuity field by validating that the CBCV has met the experience qualifications and understands DRI’s Professional Practices. It also confirms that the person is actively involved in continuous education in the field. A possible increase in compensation is another potential benefit, as is maintaining professional credibility and connectivity through the information and networking opportunities provided by DRI."
"Having my DRI certification has been a real boon in helping me understand the processes my clients are working through and also to encourage my clients who don't have a BC program in place. It has also allowed me to present more at various functions due to my credentials."
"A lot of our proposals require certified business continuity professionals, so being able to say I am a certified business continuity professional, to do this work and have the qualifications to do this work is definitely a selling point when we bid for projects. And after we get our projects, it helps when we say ‘Here’s what we’re recommending as a professional to do for your organization.'"