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Announcing a New DRI Istanbul Networking Opportunity

A Letter from DRI's President, Alan Berman:

DRI International and DRI Istanbul are pleased to announce the formation of the new Business Continuity working group of DRI Istanbul, called Exchange by DRI Istanbul. The group is being formed as a result of the demand that followed the DRI2014 Istanbul Business Continuity Forum, the first such conference ever held in Istanbul. This new organization will allow professionals from Business Continuity, Risk Management, Emergency Response, Crisis Management and other related disciplines to have a forum and a meeting place to share information, ideas and experiences.

Exchange by DRI Istanbul will serve as a professional working group, create an active networking platform for BCM professionals, and serve as a value creating professional network. Technical papers and articles will be created based upon subgroup studies by expert teams, utilizing the DRI International tacit know-how. For further details, please visit the <a href=dri-istanbul.org>DRI Istanbul website</a>.

Exchange by DRI Istanbul will be chaired by Ender Bebek. Ender is the HSBC Regional Bus&#305;ness Continuity Relationship Manager and Cha&#305;rman of the BCM Working Group for Turk&#305;sh Banking Association. He has over 18 years experience of Resilience, Sustainability, Crisis Management in a variety of industries. Ender has a number of articles published and is a recognized expert and frequently sought out guest speaker in and out of Turkey. He holds the IRCA Lead Auditor qualification and will receive the DRI International CBCP certification. We invite you all to contact the President of Exchange by emailing ender@drii.org.

Exchange by DRI Istanbul will periodically meet on a quarterly basis, hold annual meetings, organize annual events and implement a BCM Award program. Most importantly, Exchange will position itself as a hub networking group for East Europe, Middle East and North Africa.

Admission to the users group will be free of charge and is open to all. By creating a MyDRI account, all Exchange Members will be able to avail themselves of all materials and will be able to contribute to the Working Group studies. Exchange Members will also have access to webinars and information provided by Exchange Members, DRI International and DRI Istanbul; including all the exceptional presentations given at the DRI2014 Istanbul Business Continuity.

We look forward to having you as a part of this exciting new venture!

Thank you,

Alan Berman
DRI International