
A selection of materials from DRI International is available here as an added benefit for DRI members. We hope you enjoy this informative collection of industry information and research.
Event: DRI Webinar
Author: BDO

In an era where cyber threats can rapidly escalate into full-scale crises, the ability to respond effectively and efficiently is key to an organization’s resilience. This session will explore how integrating incident response and crisis management capabilities can significantly enhance an organization’s overall cyber resilience. Attendees will learn how to build a seamless framework that bridges the gap between technical incident response teams and crisis management functions, ensuring coordinated action during high-pressure situations. We will discuss strategies for developing comprehensive incident response playbooks, conducting realistic tabletop exercises, and building cross-functional communication channels that facilitate swift decision-making. The session will also address how organizations can leverage data from incident responses to inform crisis management strategies, enabling proactive planning and continuous improvement. By combining technical remediation with stakeholder communication and reputation management, organizations can mitigate not just the immediate impact of incidents but also long-term business consequences. By the end of this session, participants will gain practical insights into creating a unified incident response and crisis management approach, empowering their organizations to navigate and recover from cyber incidents with resilience and confidence. NOTE: This is a sponsored webinar with content produced by BDO. The information contained in this presentation represents the views and opinions of BDO and does not necessarily represent the views or opinions of DRI International.
Event: DRI Webinar
Author: Fusion Risk Management

Changes in the way we experience disruption mean that business continuity practitioners must respond with confidence in times of crisis with an airtight response plan in place. But to go a step further, for today's teams to be truly prepared for anything, organizations need to be consistently improving their programs with an eye towards resilience. In this webinar, learn how nurturing a culture of resilience within your organization not only prepares your teams for unexpected challenges but also strengthens overall adaptability and agility in the face of disruptions. Join Fusion Risk Management's Kurt Blomdahl and Catey O'Malley to learn how a successful business continuity program improves business resiliency. Moreover, this session will underscore the importance of regular testing and exercising as vital practices for validating and refining your business continuity plans. They will illustrate how these foundational pillars collectively support a robust framework for resilience, ultimately showcasing the tangible value of a well-structured BC program. NOTE: This is a sponsored webinar with content produced by Fusion Risk Management. The information contained in this presentation represents the views and opinions of Fusion and does not necessarily represent the views or opinions of DRI International.
Event: DRI Webinar
Author: Fusion Risk Management

Be prepared for anything. With the increasingly complex threats facing organizations today, along with added pressure from evolving regulations, your organization must be able to thrive through any kind of disruption. That’s why scenario testing should be a pillar in every organization’s resilience program. Going beyond simply testing for success, a good program tests for vulnerabilities so teams can identify gaps, make improvements, and proactively mitigate relevant risks. In this webinar, Fusion Risk Management’s Lead Data Scientist Davis DeRodes and Sr. Product Marketing Manager Mandy Leavell will illustrate how a strategic, data-driven scenario testing program can assess your organization’s ability to deliver critical business services during a crisis, as well as boost confidence in your strategic decision-making. NOTE: This is a sponsored webinar with content produced by Fusion Risk Management. The information contained in this presentation represents the views and opinions of Fusion and does not necessarily represent the views or opinions of DRI International.
Tags: Artificial Intelligence, Scenario Testing, Sponsored Content
Event: DRI Webinar
Author: Sidney Weinstein, Quinn Einck

Enabling your organization’s resilience capabilities can be a daunting task. Risk domains traditionally sit in siloed functions and resiliency plans struggle to gain footing across an enterprise. An organization’s disjointed areas of resilience may hinder efforts to empower employees to make sound resilience-based decisions. In this session, we will explore how properly leveraging technology promotes greater stakeholder engagement and increases connectivity across an organization. We will focus on the following elements crucial to the adoption of technology following its implementation: - Engage stakeholders through change management: Handing out access to a technology does not mean stakeholders will use it. Emphasize user experience to ensure scalability of your resilience capabilities. Training and supporting users on how to use the technology will help propel your program forward. - Always be automating: Look for opportunities to automate to improve data quality. This shift allows users to concentrate more on analyzing data rather than collecting it, which leads to saving time and resources and improving reporting. - Don’t set it and forget it: Continuously review your evolving business objectives and needs to confirm your technology remains suitable and effective. Many organizations implement technologies hoping to bolster the success and reach of their resilience program, but they forget new technology alone won’t enhance a program. Start by assessing current technology use, next identify automation opportunities, then plan for regular technology effectiveness reviews to ensure resilience capabilities are continuously optimized. NOTE: This is a sponsored webinar with content produced by BDO. The information contained in this presentation represents the views and opinions of BDO and does not necessarily represent the views or opinions of DRI International.
Event: DRI Webinar
Author: Brian Zawada, James Kastle

56.7% of senior management indicate that cyber security is their top concern in 2024, but many fail to incorporate it into their overall resilience efforts. Information security alone is not enough – you need to prepare both proactively and reactively as a broader cyber resilience strategy. Unfortunately, there are many issues holding organizations back, including confusion on roles and responsibilities, outcomes, and what the “end game” looks like. Join Jim Kastle, Chief Information Security Officer at Kimberly-Clark and Brian Zawada, General Manager, Business Continuity & Resilience at Riskonnect, as they discuss how information security contributes to cyber resilience and ultimately, at the most strategic level, business resilience.
Tags: Business Continuity Program, Cyber Resilience, Cybersecurity
Event: DRI Webinar
Author: Rod Crowder, CBCP

Join DRI Australia and New Zealand's Rod Crowder, CBCP, for this webinar discussing how the Covid-19 pandemic brought about rapid change for businesses and industries across the world, who were forced to implement years of planned digital solutions in a matter of weeks or months. The unexpected need to transition large numbers of employees to a work-from-home model required a major rethink to business and IT delivery models, with risks quickly transitioning from premises and office environments to data centres, networks, software applications and data security. In this webinar, we will discuss how this transition has impacted business continuity planning and how it is evolving to keep pace with the emerging digital-era.
Event: DRI Webinar
Author: Riskonnect

Natural disasters, civil unrest, transportation disruption and crime are just a few of the threats that can affect your operations in an instant. How do you actively monitor everything? The answer is threat intelligence. Threat intelligence is increasingly becoming an important early-warning part of broader business continuity programs. This webinar explains the value of threat intelligence, how it connects to broader continuity and resilience program outcomes, and how you can incorporate it into your program. You'll discover how to get ahead of risk and learn from the threats that are actively affecting your operations, locations, and people. NOTE: This is a sponsored webinar with content produced by Riskonnect. The information contained in this presentation represents the views and opinions of Riskonnect and does not necessarily represent the views or opinions of DRI International.
Tags: Risk Assessment
Event: DRI Webinar
Author: Brian Bauer, Ken Maloney

With natural disasters on the rise and cyber attacks on the nightly news, are state governments ready to meet the challenges and risks of the modern world? For the state of Maryland, the answer to that question is a resounding YES! In this live webinar, hear how Maryland state emergency managers are taking a uniquely effective approach to improving resilience: Training! A two-year program aims to increase resiliency by cross-training staff in business continuity, IT disaster recovery, and cyber resilience. Learn from Maryland OEM's Brian Bauer and Ken Maloney how it’s working, as well as how this approach also benefits both the private sector and public-private partnership initiatives.
Event: DRI Webinar
Author: Alex Abdun-Nabi

As part of the DRI Webinar on incorporating business continuity into statewide emergency management, Alex Abdun-Nabi, Emergency Preparedness Manager for Capital Metro (CAPMET), Austin's public transportation system, discusses his experiences incorporating private sector resilience practices into public sector operations.
Event: DRI Webinar
Author: David Glazai, DJ Rath, David Lindstedt

Operational Resilience (OpRes) seems to be the new buzzword in the industry. Is there something interesting about it, or is it just the next flavor of the day? In this session, three industry leaders will discuss their take on Operational Resilience. They will present an overview of recent drivers for OpRes, namely regulatory requirements in the Financial Services Industry (FSI) and the increasing pressures of unhindered operations in an interconnected customer-centric world. They will then outline what it means for organizations inside and outside the regulated industry. Finally, they will wrap up with challenges to consider when thinking about adopting Operational Resilience capabilities in your organization.
Event: DRI Webinar
Author: Randall Villalobos

De acuerdo con el reporte de la Contraloría General de La República de Costa Rica sobre la continuidad de la entrega de servicios por Covid, el Banco Nacional de Costa Rica es la única institución pública en el país que alcanzó un nivel óptimo en la Continuidad Institucional. Este Webinar busca mencionar las acciones y caso de éxito que han hecho que el Banco Nacional de Costa Rica lidere procesos exitosos para dotar de resiliencia a sus procesos, beneficiando al cliente final con productos y servicios de alta calidad. El expositor, Randall Villalobos, CBCP, es el Gerente de Continuidad de Negocio del Banco Nacional, banco líder en el mercado financiero costarricense con un enfoque a la experiencia del cliente y con la innovación como su estandarte. Randall es líder con amplia experiencia en desarrollo e implementación de proyectos. Es líder con conocimientos de normas y mejores prácticas internacionales como las del DRI Int., respaldado por la experiencia en su implementación y mejora en las organizaciones. Ha sido el encargado de la Oficina de Continuidad de Negocio del Banco Nacional desde el 2013 y hasta la actualidad.
Tags: Business Continuity Program, Resiliency, Spanish Language
Event: DRI Webinar
Author: Suzanne Bernier, Bob Jensen, Jessica Kindig

Communication is key -- especially in a crisis! In this webinar, you'll hear from crisis communications experts who will draw on their experiences to help you get a handle on what to say -- and what not to say -- as well as how to craft messaging that will inform others while serving your organization. Featured presenters: - Suzanne Bernier, CEM, CBCP, MBCI, CMCP, President, SB Crisis Consulting - Bob Jensen, Senior Managing Director, Strat3 LLC - Jessica Kindig, Exercise Program Manager, Indiana Department of Homeland Security
Event: DRI Webinar
Author: Steve Yates, Aaron Gracey, Mike Price

For DRI’s latest webinar we look at the relationship between organizational and operational resilience, and the regulations in-between, with three of the UK’s top professionals: - Dr Aaron Gracey, Managing Director of Squared Apples, will introduce listeners to the concept of Organisational Resilience and how organisations should start to review how they develop their frameworks in order to incorporate the capability. - Mike Price, Managing Director of Resilius Consulting, will introduce listeners to two new policy and regulatory landscape changes. While they target principally the finance sector, he will explain why they have wider implications into others. - Steve Yates, CBCP, Director of Acertia Unlimited, will close the presentation by delineating the relationship between organizational and operational resilience.
Event: DRI Webinar
Author: Karina de Allicon
During the mindfulness webinar, presenter Karina de Allicon led an exercise following the LABEL technique: - Label the challenging thought or emotion - Allow it to be here - Breathe - Explore how the thought or emotion manifests itself in the body - Listen to the sounds around you
Event: DRI Webinar
Author: Rakesh Pande, Harsha Sastre

Has India Managed to Convert the Pandemic Threat Into an Opportunity? The answer to this is two parts: 1) The decisions taken by the Indian government in dealing with the threats/risks, analyzed by Rakesh Pande, and 2) The operational industry insight by Harsha Sastry, providing a brief of industry responsiveness and uncertainties, and strategies adopted to secure people, assets, environments, business operations and the overall federation enabling continuity and resilience overall.
Tags: Asia, Coronavirus/COVID-19, Pandemic
Event: DRI Webinar
Author: José Iván Ramírez Carreño, Luis Enrique Luviano Hernández, Ing. Jorge Escalera Alcázar

El DRI se complace en anunciar el siguiente webinar gratuito en español del 2020. Este es un evento que se entrega como un beneficio para nuestros profesionales certificados y a la comunidad de Continuidad de Negocio.
Tags: Coronavirus/COVID-19
Event: DRI Webinar
Author: Dr. Lisa Koonin

As a business leader, you may be tasked with advising about or making reopening decisions in the midst of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. With the health of both your business and employees at stake, this is not a simple undertaking, and the choices you make now will have far-reaching-and potentially future-defining-consequences. Before committing to any one course of action, you and your team will need to answer many fundamental questions, such as: - When, and how, can we return to the workplace? - What are the most effective ways to protect our team and customers? - What are the six key parameters that inform return to the workplace decisions? - How should we interpret and apply emerging evidence and public health guidance? Dr. Lisa Koonin will provide these answers and more!
Tags: Coronavirus/COVID-19, Pandemic
Event: DRI Webinar
Author: Lisa Orloff

Community management expert Lisa Orloff provides an overview of effective disaster exercises to assess your business continuity plan. The webinar reviews the key learning objectives of successful models including DRI's Professional Practices for Business Continuity Management, The Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Plan and World Cares Centers Boots on the Ground X. The training is meant to be flexible, scalable, and adaptable so that participants can adapt what is useful to the size and type of organization.
Event: DRI Webinar
Author: Juan Carlos González

Juan Carlos González Cardozo, CBCP, consultor, conferencista e instructor internacional en materia de Gestión del Riesgo Empresarial, Resiliencia Organizacional, Gestión de Continuidad del Negocio y Gestión de Crisis conversa sobre los lineamientos estratégicos de la Gestión de Continuidad del Negocio en momentos de Pandemia, como orientación a la Dirección de las organizaciones en la preservación de sus operaciones y en la mitigación de los efectos del Covid-19.
Tags: Coronavirus/COVID-19, Pandemic, Resiliency, Spanish Language
Event: DRI Webinar
Author: Dr. Pano Yannakogeorgos

While organizations are overwhelmed meeting the challenges of a pandemic, cyber criminals have found a perfect opportunity to attack. On May 14 at 2pm ET, DRI welcomes Dr. Pano Yannakogeorgos of the NYU Center for Global Affairs for an up-to-the-minute look at cybersecurity in the age of COVID-19. The Faculty Lead of MS Global Security, Conflict & Cyber, Dr. Yannakogeorgos will cover recent examples of how hackers have taken advantage of the crisis, how governments and grassroots efforts have responded, and the risks of shifting to remote work without cybersecurity procedures in place, before addressing questions from attendees.
Tags: Coronavirus/COVID-19, Cyber Resilience, Cybersecurity
Event: DRI Webinar
Author: Megan Coffee, MD, PhD

Join us for a presentation and discussion on COVID-19 and what it means for businesses with Megan Coffee, MD, PhD, Clinical Assistant Professor, Dept. of Medicine, NYU Langone. She offers an up-to-the-minute presentation on the current state of COVID-19 response and answer questions from the audience in a special live Q&A.
Tags: Coronavirus/COVID-19, Pandemic
Event: DRI Webinar
Author: DRI Future Vision Committee

Future Vision Committee members including Lyndon Bird, David Porter, and Boris Issavi will discuss highlights from the Fifth Annual Global Risk and Resilience Trends and Predictions reports. Discover how your job will be impacted by world events – including cyber threats, natural disasters, and much more – and what you can do about them.
Tags: Business Continuity Program, Future Vision Committee, Trends and Predictions
Event: DRI Webinar
Author: Roberto A Zegarra, MBCP

Introducción a la Resiliencia Cibernética, como una figura que integra soluciones dentro de la organización y se plantea cómo la gestión de riesgos bajo la premisa de la resiliencia cibernética, permite innovar y aumentar la competitividad empresarial, brindándole conceptos y casos reales de aprendizaje.
Tags: Cybersecurity
Event: DRI Webinar
Author: Alan Lake, Jim Iacocca, Amy Bennett, Ramon Saenz

Since its inception, the DRI Foundation’s Veterans Outreach Program has had a tremendous impact on connecting transitioning military service members with resilience careers, and these efforts are only growing. Learn more about how this program can benefit your organization – and the resilience community. You’ll hear first-hand the lessons learned from transitioning from the military to the private sector, what resilience professionals can learn from their colleagues with military service experience, advice for both companies hiring veterans and veterans thinking about careers in BCM/resilience careers, and much more.
Tags: Veterans
Event: DRI Webinar
Author: Steve Yates, Andy Tomkinson

Take a look at how a major public event - in this case, the 2012 London Olympics prepares for and plans against mega-sized risks. This presentation will take you through the steps that were used during the preparation, planning and execution of the London Olympics and Paralympics Games, for which such “Mega Events” are classified as the “Greatest Show on Earth.”
Tags: Europe, Risk Assessment, Risk Management
Event: DRI Webinar
Author: Patrick Alcantara, Lim Sek Seong

Join DRI for a discussion of the latest trends and issues facing resilience professionals. Patrick Alcantara will discuss the latest risks and resilience trends in Asia and Oceania from our Future Vision Committee. In his presentation, he will give an overview of the most pressing economic and political concerns facing resilience professionals. Patrick will be joined by Lim Sek Seong of Marsh Risk Consulting who will share their perspective on the risk and organizational landscape and trends in the region.
Tags: Asia, Future Vision Committee, Resiliency
Event: DRI Webinar
Author: Carla Glass, Melanie Lucht, Bryan Mitchell, Michele Turner

Listen to an impressive panel of MBCPs answer your questions from various industries and with a wide range of expertise during our “Ask the MBCPs” webinar.
Tags: Business Continuity Program, Cloud Technology, Cyber Resilience, Cybersecurity, Emergency preparedness, Organizational Resilience, Resiliency
Event: DRI Webinar
Author: Adrián Sanchez

Adrián Sanchez, CBCP, profesional con 15 años de experiencia profesional en BCM y Resiliencia, será el expositor principal del webinar sobre la resiliencia desde una perspectiva integral en la organización y se darán recomendaciones para impulsar la resiliencia organizacional.
Tags: Resiliency, Spanish Language
Event: DRI Webinar
Author: Drew Buchanan

Complex and often confounding, all things cyber resilience are challenging continuity and resilience professionals worldwide. We go beyond the theoretical to provide thoughtful answers to your real-world questions.
Tags: Cyber Resilience
Event: DRI Webinar
Author: Future Vision Committee, Lyndon Bird, Richard Knowlton, Patrick Alcantara

Join Future Vision Committee members Lyndon Bird, Richard Knowlton, and Patrick Alcantara, along with DRI President Chloe Demrovsky, for highlights from the Fourth Annual Global Risk and Resilience Trends and Predictions reports. Discover how your job will be impacted by world events - including sustainability, cyberthreats, and more - and what you can do about them.
Tags: Trends and Predictions, Cybersecurity, Future Vision Committee, Resiliency, Supply Chain, Global Strategy
Event: DRI Webinar
Author: Lyndon Bird

“GDPR: Considerations for Continuity Professionals" is DRI's first webinar designed for European audiences. We will be discussing GDPR and its implications across business continuity. We will hear first from Lyndon Bird, DRI’s Chief Knowledge Officer, who will provide background on the regulation and its considerations. Lyndon will be joined by Ovidiu Diaconescu, who will be discussing cross-border data transfers, and Luuk Akkermans who will expand on the impact of GDPR on supplier contracts.
Tags: Business Continuity Program, Governance/Regulatory Response and Compliance, Europe
Event: DRI Webinar
Author: Wade Richmond

Join cybersecurity expert Wade Richmond for an information-packed hour of important information on one of the profession’s hottest topics. Explore aspects of cybersecurity and business continuity, with the goal of integrating the two and achieving the ultimate goal -- cyber resilience. Learn how to talk to top management about these issues and sell them on the concept of cyber resilience.
Tags: Cybersecurity, Resiliency, White Paper, Cyber Resilience, Executive Support
Event: DRI Webinar
Author: Betsy Sayers

During DRI2018’s WBCM panel discussion, nearly 50% of session attendees responded that the stereotype they were most concerned with was being labeled as “too aggressive,” particularly when disagreeing with others’ views. Please join us as we take that conversation further with Betsy Sayers, MBCP, ITIL, ICS – IT/DR. With more than 25 years of industry experience, including serving as a DRI Instructor, Betsy shares her views on the best tools to communicate clearly — and with objectivity – while maintaining a style that honors who you are and what you believe. Special thanks to our webinar sponsor OnSolve.
Tags: Women in BCM, Best Practices
Event: DRI Webinar
Author: Betsy Sayers

When Betsy Sayers is in a tough spot, she always knows exactly what to say. That’s because she’s awesome...and she has a few handy phrases written in the back of her notebook at all times. She’s generously shared those words of wisdom with you (see...awesome, right?). If you haven’t checked out the Women in Business Continuity Management Committee’s “Ask Betsy” webinar, you really should, right here at
Tags: Women in BCM, Best Practices
Event: DRI Webinar
Author: Chloe Demrovsky, Karol Cordero

El DRI se complace en anunciar el webinar en español del 2018. Buscamos entregar beneficios a nuestros profesionales certificados y a la comunidad del DRI en general, por lo que no solamente brindamos webinars en inglés, sino que ahora también los traemos en el idioma español. Anota en tu calendario este 12 de Octubre de 2018 en el horario 9:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. CDT, el siguiente webinar educacional del DRI: Tendencias y Predicciones en Continuidad de Negocio Chloe Demrovsky, Presidente y Directora Ejecutiva del DRI Internacional y Karol Cordero, Directora de Mercadeo para América Latina del DRI, serán las presentadoras del Webinar. Con base en los eventos y resultados del 2017, el Comité de Visión Futuro del DRI Internacional ha elaborado el tercer informe anual de tendencias y predicciones para la profesión de Continuidad de Negocio y Resiliencia. En este webinar presentaremos los resultados de este informe, mirando hacia atrás en lo que ha ocurrido y viendo lo que podría estar a la vuelta de la esquina para nuestra profesión. ¡No te pierdas este webinar gratuito totalmente en español!
Tags: Business Continuity Program, Resiliency, Spanish Language
Event: DRI Webinar
Author: Ryan Miller, Larry Twele

When a sudden devastating flood put a public-private partnership to the test, results were remarkable! Ryan Miller, CBCP, CBCLA, Director of Emergency Management for Howard County, MD, and Larry Twele, CEO of Howard County Economic Development Authority, offer lessons learned in recovering from a record-breaking flood – and detail the partnership between emergency management and economic development as one of the key elements that resulted in more than 95% of businesses surviving! You’ll learn about the plans in place before the flood, the immediate response, and how to create a meaningful partnership between public and private resources. For additional context, watch the NBC Nightly News coverage of the flood here:
Tags: Public Sector, Public-Private Partnership
Event: DRI Webinar
Author: Lyndon Bird, Chloe Demrovsky

Lyndon Bird, Chairman of DRI International’s Future Vision Committee, and Chloe Demrovsky, DRI President and CEO, discuss the findings of the Third Annual Global Risk and Resilience Trends and Predictions reports (also available in the resource library). Discover how your job will be impacted by world events — including supply chain disruption, extreme weather events, data protection, and more — and what you can do about them.
Tags: Future Vision Committee, Global Strategy, Resiliency, Trends and Predictions
Event: DRI Webinar
Author: Al Berman, Bobby Williams, Mike Mastrangelo

Organizations are becoming more proactive in assessing their programs and doing so in a more robust manner. This not only leads to them being more resilient but also reduces the effort associated with simply preparing for an audit. This webinar will examine how organizations are addressing regulatory compliance, which regulations they face, and how a pre-assessment program will help them be more resilient and improve their compliance.
Tags: Healthcare, Governance/Regulatory Response and Compliance, Audit, Regulations and Standards
Event: DRI Webinar
Author: Mariana Quirós

In DRI's first Spanish-language webinar, Mariana Quirós of Copa Airlines talks about the changes to the new Professional Practices. She also guides viewers through implementing the practices within their organization.
Tags: Professional Practices, Spanish Language
Event: DRI Webinar
Author: Bobby Williams, Melanie Sankaran

This webinar presentation tackles the much-requested subject of cybersecurity and the Internet of Things (IoT)! We all know that the risk is real – everyday objects are increasingly able to send and receive data. But do you know what compromised “smart” devices – like baby monitors or printers – could mean for your organization? Hear from both cybersecurity and business continuity executives as they discuss IoT from a corporate perspective and share their perspectives on this timely and compelling topic.
Tags: Cybersecurity, Internet of Things/IoT, IT/DR
Event: DRI Webinar
Author: Felipe Den-Brok

The FBI’s Felipe Den-Brok addresses the timely topic of active shooters and mass casualty response from a crisis management perspective. With decades of experience to speak from, Den-Brok — who is a Supervisory Special Agent in the Crisis Management Unit — brings his experiences and actual case studies — including Virginia Tech, Fort Hood, and Sandy Hook — to the resilience profession in this compelling webinar. He’ll also discuss potential warning signs to look out for and developing a survival mindset in the midst of an active shooter event.
Tags: Active Shooter/Workplace Violence
Event: DRI Webinar
Author: Don Klock

With the advent of globalization, outsourcing, enhanced connectivity, and higher reliance on suppliers, supply chain disruptions have become more prevalent in the recent years. In this webinar, we will explore conceptual and practical developments on supply chain risk, supply chain resilience, and the application of business continuity beyond organizational boundaries. This webinar was sponsored by Metric Stream.
Tags: Supply Chain
Event: DRI Webinar
Author: Lyndon Bird, Chair, DRI Future Vision Committee

Lyndon Bird, Chairman of DRI International’s Future Vision Committee, discusses the findings of two recent reports (also available in the Resource Library): Trends in 2016 and Predictions for 2017. Discover how your job will be impacted by world events – including cyber threats, supply chain, and the environment – and what you can do about them.
Tags: Cybersecurity, Future Vision Committee, Resiliency, Risk Management, Supply Chain, Technology, Global Strategy, Trends and Predictions
Event: DRI Webinar
Author: DRI International

DRI's Professional Practices, the most used standard in the world and the heart of DRI's teachings, have been revised. During this hour-long webinar you'll hear about the revision process and the outcome, while learning what has changed and why.
Tags: Professional Practices
Event: DRI Webinar
Author: Al Berman, President and CEO, DRI International Joseph Easter, MBCP, Sr. Director, Risk Management Testing & Validation, Products & Practices, Business Continuity, and Crisis Management, Capital One Mitch Simon, CBCP, Director of Business Continuity and R

Long the leader in certifying individuals, DRI International now offers accreditation for organizations with the Hub of Resilience and Resilient Enterprise designations, as well as assessment of organizational resilience with the Resilient Enterprise Assessment Process (REAP). You’ll hear from organizations that have earned these designations, learn what makes them truly resilient, and find out how they’re spreading education and leadership within their communities and industries.
Tags: Resilient Enterprise
Event: DRI Webinar
Author: Mike Mastrangelo, Brad Gair, John Molnar, James Mitchell

Faced with regulatory requirements, increasingly-complex technology, ransomware attacks, and now the Zika virus, continuity professionals in healthcare have their hands full. Hear from them about those challenges and more.
Tags: Healthcare