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A selection of materials from DRI International is available here as an added benefit for DRI members. We hope you enjoy this informative collection of industry information and research.

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WORKSHOP: The Netflix Approach to Capability Assessments

Event: Annual Conference - DRI2023

Author: Gayle Anders, TJ Mead

This workshop is intended to be a community-based way of creating a richer database of capability questions. Participants will be provided with access to all questions that were generated during the workshop which they can use in their own organizations. This workshop will present the enterprise continuity program as it is used at Netflix. After a brief presentation, attendees will work in small groups to review one existing asset type with the associated capability questions and be asked to provide additional questions that could be added to a capability survey. The questions must apply to the capability survey categories of availability, response, and recovery. After a short discussion, the same working groups will create their own new asset type and be tasked with identifying three to five questions for each category as it relates to the asset. Then as a collective, we will share our ideas and discuss how the questions affect the availability, response, and recovery of the asset. At the conclusion of this working session, each participant will be given a copy of the work everyone contributed towards which they can use in their own organizations. This is an effort to present a different way of performing capability assessments.

Tags: Resiliency, Resilient Enterprise

Enterprise Resilience at Netflix

Event: Annual Conference - DRI2022

Author: Gayle Anders, TJ Mead

Taking Netflix’s unique culture into account, we have developed a strategic vision for the Enterprise Resilience (ER) program to identify where our critical assets are, how resilient they currently are, and how to increase their resilience when and if needed. This process includes: • Educating leadership and risk owners of their resilience risk posture • Developing a critical interdependency map to identify areas of unseen risk • Providing guidance and mitigation expertise to risk owners who require it The framework is built on the development of standardized, intuitive, and quantifiable business continuity, technology continuity, and corporate resilience measurements enabling teams to be aware of their resilience posture and to make the best possible resilience decisions.

Tags: Resilient Enterprise, Risk Assessment, Risk Management

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Assessing your Vendors: Taking Resiliency to the Next Level

Event: Annual Conference - DRI2022

Author: Alison Tarnopol, Michelle Cross

Understanding third party vendor risk is essential for organizational resiliency. This session will address best practices for assessing vendor risk and resiliency. We will review how to evaluate residual risks and potential impacts to incorporate vendor risk into a comprehensive resiliency program. We will also review using data analytics to better quantify and rate residual risk.

Tags: Best Practices, Resiliency, Resilient Enterprise, Risk Assessment, Vendor Assessment

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Creating a Center of Excellence to Build out Community-wide Resilience

Event: Annual Conference - DRI2022

Author: Bonnie Canal

Organizations can play an active role in the resilience of their communities by establishing a Center of Excellence in Resilience. Community resilience builds by utilizing ground-up/grassroots efforts and a Center of Excellence is a top-down approach. By bringing these together in this session attendees will learn what, why, and how to build a grassroots community resilience program into the creation of a Center of Excellence.

Tags: Community Resilience, Resilient Enterprise

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Integrating Cyber Security with Business Continuity Management to Build the Resilient Enterprise

Event: DRI Collegiate Conference - Pace University - Oct. 17, 2018

Author: Tejas Katwala

Current cyber response frameworks are incomplete and cyber programs in a silo are a major vulnerability. Lost business is the number one component of cyber breach cost because of customer turnover, brand reputation loss and diminished goodwill. Cyber threat and breach are business problems and business continuity professionals have the expertise that can be leveraged to reduce both the time and money associated with a cyber breach. Join Tejas Katwala to build your business case.

Tags: Business Continuity Program, Resiliency, Resilient Enterprise

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Case Study: Navigating through an Unregulated Environment: The World of Asurion’s Global Business Resilience

Event: Annual Conference - DRI2018

Author: Jerrick Croston, Michael Smith

Are you a government, healthcare, or financial organization? Then your business continuity and disaster recovery (BCDR) program is likely driven by regulatory requirements. The purpose of this presentation is to discuss BC/DR program management for private or non-traditional organizations. The goal of this session is to explore common challenges like: What if you don’t have regulatory drivers to guide your program? How do contractual requirements guide your program? What are some effective strategies to ensure that you are strengthening resiliency in your environments? We will review a case study on how Asurion’s Global Business Resilience Team managed the recent events of Hurricane Harvey and Irma, and Mexico City’s earthquake.

Tags: Business Continuity Program, Global Strategy, Resiliency, Resilient Enterprise, Case Study

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CASE STUDY: Designing a Resiliency Program – Tradition or Innovation?

Event: Annual Conference - DRI2018

Author: Audrey Thibodeau, Crystal Witt

Ever wonder why some business continuity and crisis management programs succeed while others do not? Traditional program methodology paved the way for our firm’s highly successful enterprise resiliency program, but over time, it also led to our BC/CM approach getting stuck in the proverbial rut. How did we dig ourselves out of that rut and gain the unparalleled support of our enterprise’s executive team? By innovating. Join us as we share stories and the lessons we’ve learned about stepping out of our comfort zone, taking a business-centric approach to continuity risk, moving from a tactical mindset to a strategic focus and the value of building relationships.

Tags: Resiliency, Resilient Enterprise

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Integrating Cyber Security with Business Continuity Management to Build the Resilient Enterprise

Event: Annual Conference - DRI2018

Author: Tejas Katwala

Current cyber response frameworks are incomplete and cyber programs in a silo are a major vulnerability. Lost business is the number one component of cyber breach cost because of customer turnover, brand reputation loss and diminished goodwill. Cyber threat and breach are business problems and business continuity professionals have the expertise that can be leveraged to reduce both the time and money associated with a cyber breach. Join Tejas Katwala to build your business case.

Tags: Cybersecurity, Resilient Enterprise

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DRI Webinar: Organizational Certification

Event: DRI Webinar

Author: Al Berman, President and CEO, DRI International Joseph Easter, MBCP, Sr. Director, Risk Management Testing & Validation, Products & Practices, Business Continuity, and Crisis Management, Capital One Mitch Simon, CBCP, Director of Business Continuity and R

Long the leader in certifying individuals, DRI International now offers accreditation for organizations with the Hub of Resilience and Resilient Enterprise designations, as well as assessment of organizational resilience with the Resilient Enterprise Assessment Process (REAP). You’ll hear from organizations that have earned these designations, learn what makes them truly resilient, and find out how they’re spreading education and leadership within their communities and industries.

Tags: Resilient Enterprise

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