
A selection of materials from DRI International is available here as an added benefit for DRI members. We hope you enjoy this informative collection of industry information and research.
Event: Annual Conference - DRI2025
Author: Karina de Allicon

Traditional business continuity management (BCM) offers practitioners useful frameworks and tools to strengthen organizational resilience, such as business impact analyses (BIAs) and tabletop exercises (TTXs). However, the complex and ever-changing global risk landscape is pushing BC professionals to find innovative ways to drive better results for the organization/clients they serve. Creatively borrowing from other disciplines, such as enterprise risk management (ERM) and Six Sigma (6σ), is a strategic approach that can elevate existing BCM Programs and more effectively influence operational risk management decision-making. During this session, value-add ERM and 6σ tools that can be easily adapted and incorporated into an existing BCM Program will be reviewed.
Tags: Business Continuity Program, Operational Resilience, Organizational Resilience
Event: DRI Webinar
Author: Fusion Risk Management

Changes in the way we experience disruption mean that business continuity practitioners must respond with confidence in times of crisis with an airtight response plan in place. But to go a step further, for today's teams to be truly prepared for anything, organizations need to be consistently improving their programs with an eye towards resilience. In this webinar, learn how nurturing a culture of resilience within your organization not only prepares your teams for unexpected challenges but also strengthens overall adaptability and agility in the face of disruptions. Join Fusion Risk Management's Kurt Blomdahl and Catey O'Malley to learn how a successful business continuity program improves business resiliency. Moreover, this session will underscore the importance of regular testing and exercising as vital practices for validating and refining your business continuity plans. They will illustrate how these foundational pillars collectively support a robust framework for resilience, ultimately showcasing the tangible value of a well-structured BC program. NOTE: This is a sponsored webinar with content produced by Fusion Risk Management. The information contained in this presentation represents the views and opinions of Fusion and does not necessarily represent the views or opinions of DRI International.
Event: DRI Webinar
Author: Brian Zawada, James Kastle

56.7% of senior management indicate that cyber security is their top concern in 2024, but many fail to incorporate it into their overall resilience efforts. Information security alone is not enough – you need to prepare both proactively and reactively as a broader cyber resilience strategy. Unfortunately, there are many issues holding organizations back, including confusion on roles and responsibilities, outcomes, and what the “end game” looks like. Join Jim Kastle, Chief Information Security Officer at Kimberly-Clark and Brian Zawada, General Manager, Business Continuity & Resilience at Riskonnect, as they discuss how information security contributes to cyber resilience and ultimately, at the most strategic level, business resilience.
Tags: Business Continuity Program, Cyber Resilience, Cybersecurity
Event: Annual Conference - DRI2024
Author: Mark Evans, Frank Harrison, Jeff Jellets, Wendy Scott

Join us for a candid chat among 3 professionals whose roles are the same but different — a business continuity manager, an emergency manager, and a crisis manager. Coming from similar but diverse backgrounds, they will share their interchangeable skills, relatable stories and distinct perspectives from each discipline and how their line of work continues to mature and evolve.
Tags: Business Continuity Program, Crisis Management, Emergency Management
Event: Annual Conference - DRI2024
Author: Jim Kinsman

Join Jim Kinsman as he shares his experiences rebuilding, rebranding, and expanding traditional business continuity and disaster recovery approaches toward enterprise operational resilience leveraging third-party cybersecurity incidents and geo-political events impacting, or threatening to impact, business operations. He will also share lessons learned from these events, and other incidents, in the areas of crisis leadership, incident command, risk management, and public/private partnerships.
Tags: Business Continuity Program, Crisis Management, Cybersecurity, Public-Private Partnership
Event: Annual Conference - DRI2024
Author: Eric McNulty

When the worst-case scenario becomes reality, your organization needs to respond as one. It requires more than functional expertise from Business Continuity professionals. It calls on you to orchestrate coordinated and collaborative action across organizational and hierarchical boundaries—often wielding influence beyond your formal authority. That does not happen by accident. This session draws on 20 years of research and practice from the National Preparedness Leadership Initiative at Harvard University. NPLI Associate Director, Eric McNulty will present practical insights, tools, and techniques for leading up to the c-suite, across to peers, and beyond to stakeholders including suppliers, customers, and more. You’ll leave this session better understanding your potential as a system-wide leader and with tangible ways to increase your impact right away.
Event: Annual Conference - DRI2024
Author: Maria Loduca, Bobby Williams

Are you new to DRI, DRI Conferences, our profession? This session is for you! Based on feedback from previous attendees, newbies need a place to kick off their conference experience, and this is it! Led by DRI’s resident expert in certification and customer care, Maria Loduca, and DRI Instructor and subject matter expert Bobby Williams, you’ll have a hard time stumping these two with any question. In addition to walking you through DRI2024 and all things DRI (including how to get more involved!), you’ll also have a chance to network and get to know fellow newcomers.
Tags: Best Practices, Business Continuity Program, Professional Practices
Event: Annual Conference - DRI2024
Author: Donald Plummer

Consultant/Rear Admiral SEAL Donald M. Plummer will join us as a keynote speaker. He will reflect on his 30 years in the military as an admiral, Navy SEAL, and a corporate executive responsible for global operations and business continuity. He will identify similarities across all organizations and how preparation and strong leadership are critical traits for success.
Author: DRI Leadership
In 2023, we celebrated our 35th year serving this exciting profession of service. Because milestones are always a time for reflection, we’d like to dedicate this edition of our annual review to look back at some of the accomplishments of this venerable institution not just from this year but also to provide a review of all the various ways in which we support you every year.
Tags: Business Continuity Program, Case Study, Community Resilience, ESG, Professional Practices, Resiliency, White Paper
Author: DRI Canada

This edition of DRI Canada's magazine includes articles on supplemental BCM software, implementing the Professional Practices, telecommunications, and more.
Tags: Business Continuity Program, Canada, Communications/Crisis Communications, Technology
Event: DRI Collegiate Conference - NYU - Oct. 6, 2023
Author: Kelly McKinney, CBCP,

We live in a post-modern polycrisis world. Our organizations – governments, public and private sector organizations, hospitals, universities – are besieged by a multitude of human-caused, natural and technological risks. Given this, what is the role of the emergency management and business continuity professionals? Our organizations need us to bring order to the chaos. But are we ready to do that?
Event: DRI Collegiate Conference - University of Texas at Dallas - Mar. 28, 2023
Author: Michelle Cross

Talk about risky business! One of the most fascinating and mind-bending aspects of business continuity is its relationship with insurance and risk. Michelle Cross, Vice President, Fidelity Institutional Business Continuity will discuss how these disciplines should co-exist for maximum resilience.
Event: DRI Collegiate Conference - University of Texas at Dallas - Mar. 28, 2023
Author: Marsha Buehler

As one of the most highly-regulated industries, the final sector understands the value of business continuity and invests in it too. Marsha Buehler, VP of Business Resiliency and Oversight Management, JP Morgan Chase will share her experience in the financial sector and discuss its unique continuity requirements. Buehler is also the Mentorship and International Development Lead for the DRI Foundation’s Women in Business Continuity Management Executive Committee.
Event: Annual Conference - DRI2023
Author: Shane Mathew

SESSION HANDOUT ESO Tools - The Vision/Traction Organizer In this session, Shane Mathew shares some of the lessons he’s learned from his years of building business continuity programs in various industries, including in government, healthcare, manufacturing, and tech. The focus of the presentation is the concept of transforming your BCM program into a high functioning initiative, by approaching it as one would approach a successful business. Through this lens, attendees will learn some of the common pitfalls businesses and BCM programs face to their success, how to develop and market products that improve demand, and how to manage the whole effort through proven methodologies like the immensely effective Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS) – a set of simple concepts and practical tools that have helped thousands of entrepreneurs around the world get what they want from their businesses. Additionally, he will share some practical steps on how to implement these concepts into your program- transforming it into one that has direction, executive buy-in, and stakeholder support.
Event: Annual Conference - DRI2023
Author: Jeanne Powell

The basic rule of threes was first recognized by Aristotle who recognized that humans relate and latch onto things that are presented in threes. Fundamentally, eat, drink, and sleep. In writing, we have a beginning, middle, and end. In presentations we have agenda, content, summary. Fire only burns when heat, oxygen, and fuel combine. Survival puts it in a live or die perspective: make a decision in three seconds, breath in three minutes, shelter from a hostile environment in three hours, drink water within three days, eat within three weeks. You get the idea. The rule of threes has many applications in all different areas, including BC/DR efforts. Attend this session to learn how Aristotle can assist with your BC/DR thought process, help you structure your program, and bring a fresh perspective to planning.
Event: Annual Conference - DRI2023
Author: Dean Gallup

While many people have heard of the U.S. National Institute of Science and Technology (NIST) and some have even used some of their resources, most don’t know the full capacity and wealth of information and research available to them, for free. NIST resources include major continuity, resilience and emergency management topics and guidance, such as the Risk and Cybersecurity Risk Management Frameworks, Security and Privacy Controls, contingency and test, training and exercise planning, among others.
Tags: Business Continuity Program, Cybersecurity, Emergency preparedness, Regulations and Standards, Risk Management
Event: Annual Conference - DRI2023
Author: Shane Mathew

In this session, Shane Mathew shares some of the lessons he’s learned from his years of building business continuity programs in various industries, including in government, healthcare, manufacturing, and tech. The focus of the presentation is the concept of transforming your BCM program into a high functioning initiative, by approaching it as one would approach a successful business. Through this lens, attendees will learn some of the common pitfalls businesses and BCM programs face to their success, how to develop and market products that improve demand, and how to manage the whole effort through proven methodologies like the immensely effective Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS) – a set of simple concepts and practical tools that have helped thousands of entrepreneurs around the world get what they want from their businesses. Additionally, he will share some practical steps on how to implement these concepts into your program- transforming it into one that has direction, executive buy-in, and stakeholder support.
Event: Annual Conference - DRI2023
Author: Erika Andresen

Will members of a board of directors like their duty of care served with a side of negligence lawsuits from not investing in preparedness? Are law firms the ones that should be offering business continuity as part of a suite of services on top of regulatory compliance? Will force majeure become a force no more when protecting businesses? The “new normal” is impacting more than we realize. This session will shed some light on the emergence of business continuity and preparedness combining with the legal world.
Tags: Best Practices, Business Continuity Program, Organizational Resilience
Event: Annual Conference - DRI2023
Author: Mariana C. Quiros

We have lived through the biggest social, health, and economic crisis in the world in the last decades. The pandemic wreaked financial devastation across all industries. The aviation value chain was not the exception, most notably for airlines. Based on McKinsey studies, all subsectors reported massive losses in 2020, except for freight forwarders and cargo airlines, which benefited from a rise in demand for air cargo. The IATA estimates that even though global revenues for airlines rose by 27 percent last year compared to 2020, they were still 44 percent less than what they were in 2019. During this session you will learn about the BCM program that Copa Airlines developed pre-pandemic, the plans that they activated, and how they faced the COVID-19 pandemic to recover the passenger confidence, the business, and their most valuable resource: their people.
Tags: Business Continuity Program, Case Study, Coronavirus/COVID-19
Event: Annual Conference - DRI2023
Author: Damian Bunyan

Attend this can’t miss session to hear from a C-Level executive who truly understands resilience, as DRI Board Director Ray Seid sits down with Uniper CIO Damian Bunyan. About Uniper Düsseldorf-based Uniper is an international energy company with activities in more than 40 countries. With around 7,000 employees, it makes an important contribution to security of supply in Europe. Uniper’s core businesses are power generation in Europe, global energy trading, and a broad gas portfolio. Uniper procures gas – including liquefied natural gas (LNG) – and other energy sources on global markets. The company owns and operates gas storage facilities with a capacity of more than 7 billion cubic meters. Uniper plans for its 22.5 GW of installed power-generating capacity in Europe to be carbon-neutral by 2035. The company already ranks among Europe’s largest operators of hydroelectric plants and intends to further expand solar and wind energy, which are essential for a more sustainable and autonomous future. Uniper is a reliable partner for communities, municipal utilities, and industrial enterprises for planning and implementing innovative, lower-carbon solutions on their decarbonization journey. Uniper is a hydrogen pioneer, is active worldwide along the entire hydrogen value chain, and is conducting projects to make hydrogen a mainstay of the energy supply.
Tags: Best Practices, Business Continuity Program, IT/DR, Organizational Resilience, Process, Resiliency, Technology, Executive Support
Event: Annual Conference - DRI2023
Author: Sultan E. Shukri, Turki Sameer Tammar

The Fire Protection Department of Saudi Aramco has taken proactive measures and demonstrated resiliency by sustaining continuity of operation during recent major disruptive events. They launched a comprehensive study for the business continuity plan to be aligned with the Center for Public Safety Excellence (CPSE) requirements, international organization for standardization (ISO) requirements, and Cooperate Internal Operation Excellence Model which have minimized information and asset losses and played a significant role assisting the recovery and restoration of business normal operations in a timely manner. This will be an exciting and informative session and not limited to the following: business continuity planning and critical elements, risk and threat identification methodology, and leveraging GIS technology in emergency management.
Tags: Business Continuity Program, Public Sector, Resiliency, Technology
Event: Annual Conference - DRI2023
Author: Bryant Schaefer

Stepping into a company with a business continuity program that had been dormant for years is quite a challenge. Attend this session to hear about those challenges as well as how the program got back on track. The speaker will discuss the challenges and actions taken to get the program back on the right path. If you had the chance to guide a BC program in a new direction, what changes would you make, and what foundational items should you have in place to move forward? This is a great discussion for those who have stepped into a company to revive a program or for those who are trying to find a new path forward in their own program.
Event: Annual Conference - DRI2023
Author: Martin Gonzalez

Business continuity professionals are called upon to be as versatile as they are prepared to handle any and all potential disruptions. Versatility is augmented by experience. In the session, an MBCP and veteran of three industries shares lessons learned and best practices for logistics, healthcare, and IT. Discussion will include privacy, supply chain, SLAs, and more. Attend this presentation to ensure that your program will meet both requirements and expectations.
Tags: Best Practices, Business Continuity Program, Healthcare, IT/DR, Supply Chain
Event: DRI Webinar
Author: Randall Villalobos

De acuerdo con el reporte de la Contraloría General de La República de Costa Rica sobre la continuidad de la entrega de servicios por Covid, el Banco Nacional de Costa Rica es la única institución pública en el país que alcanzó un nivel óptimo en la Continuidad Institucional. Este Webinar busca mencionar las acciones y caso de éxito que han hecho que el Banco Nacional de Costa Rica lidere procesos exitosos para dotar de resiliencia a sus procesos, beneficiando al cliente final con productos y servicios de alta calidad. El expositor, Randall Villalobos, CBCP, es el Gerente de Continuidad de Negocio del Banco Nacional, banco líder en el mercado financiero costarricense con un enfoque a la experiencia del cliente y con la innovación como su estandarte. Randall es líder con amplia experiencia en desarrollo e implementación de proyectos. Es líder con conocimientos de normas y mejores prácticas internacionales como las del DRI Int., respaldado por la experiencia en su implementación y mejora en las organizaciones. Ha sido el encargado de la Oficina de Continuidad de Negocio del Banco Nacional desde el 2013 y hasta la actualidad.
Tags: Business Continuity Program, Resiliency, Spanish Language
Event: DRI Resilience Excellence Summit 2022
Author: Robyn Kimbro

With over 20 years’ experience building, developing, and leading program governance frameworks and strategies for three major companies, Walmart’s Robyn Kimbro joins us to share the key elements for experienced resilience practitioners addressing ongoing program maturity and building resilience. So, you have an established, mature program – now what? The answer is a lot, and that includes answering questions like these: Are your program requirements not stringent enough, just right, or really complicated and time-consuming to meet? If you’re a global company – is your program globally relevant, and does it meet regulations or requirements for other countries? How strong and far-reaching are your partnerships? How do you benchmark with other companies? How do you market your program? What programmatic stats are you collecting through your enterprise tool? Are executives interested in those metrics, and what do these statistics drive your leadership to do?
Event: DRI Resilience Excellence Summit 2022
Author: Raelene Anderson, Bobby Cook

In this fascinating case study session, you’ll see how Delta Dental created an entire business resilience program in under 18 months, all during a pandemic. It will examine the four sectors of the program: - Workplace Safety - Emergency Response - Crisis Management - Business Continuity The session will cover the importance of creating an operational roadmap, getting the right people on board, policy development, realistic budgeting, equipment purchasing, program implementation, training & exercising, and continuous review. You’ll learn how each sector was created with the overarching ideal of being ready to respond, while also keeping continuous improvement in mind. While creating and developing these sectors, Delta also created cross functionality with all groups within the enterprise. Additionally, the speakers will show how the team took the lead on enterprise screening, contact tracing, case tracking, and responding to compliance requirements during the COVID-19 pandemic. Finally, you will learn how Delta took a holistic approach to its Workplace Violence Program, focusing on prevention and awareness, to lessen the likelihood of a workplace incident.
Tags: Business Continuity Program, Coronavirus/COVID-19, Pandemic
Event: Annual Conference - DRI2022
Author: Michele Turner

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." Whether you align to this original quote communicated by George Santayana, or the latter summary by Winston Churchill, the underlying message is spot on. The year 2020 brought with it a pandemic, civil unrest, and multiple natural and human-made disasters. What have we learned? Are there things that we should have known? Better yet, what approach can we use to apply the results of our lessons (mid-stream or post), to move the needle of resiliency forward? During this session, leveraging hindsight, we will align the three Cs (clarity, communications, and connections) to industry strategies, such as the Stockdale Paradox, to build next steps. Looking back, to see the path forward. “It is in the challenge, in the change, that we learn our greatest lessons.”
Tags: Business Continuity Program, Crisis Management
Event: Annual Conference - DRI2022
Author: Karol Cordero

Using Costa Rica as a reference for the Business Continuity Management in Latin America, this presentation makes a review of the public management in the face of the COVID-19 emergency for management of institutional continuity, management of financial sustainability for the continuity of critical public services and management and state of the continuity of public services in the emergency.
Tags: Business Continuity Program, Coronavirus/COVID-19, Global Strategy, Public Sector
Event: Annual Conference - DRI2022
Author: Rob Zegarra

In this session, we will explore the supply chain landscape and boundaries in today’s world. How do these issues affect our risk and impacts, and most importantly how do we prepare, protect and recover? The presenter also will share the best options to test supply chain continuity plans and the benefits of this approach.
Tags: Best Practices, Business Continuity Program, Supply Chain, Cybersecurity
Event: Annual Conference - DRI2022
Author: Lisa Koonin

We are entering the third year of the COVID-19 pandemic. The Omicron variant has caused an extremely high case rate that has disrupted many businesses’ operations. What do business continuity professionals need to do now? When and how can a safe return to the workplace resume? There have been many lessons learned from the pandemic, but what measures should be retained to improve worker safety and business continuity? This session, provided by a 30+ year CDC expert, covers all of these topics and more. There are CRITICAL steps that every business needs to take NOW to protect the workforce and business continuity going forward.
Tags: Best Practices, Business Continuity Program, Coronavirus/COVID-19
Event: Annual Conference - DRI2022
Author: Ray Seid

Cyber resilience and business continuity — both are important and work best when they work together! That’s not easy to accomplish, but not to worry. Attend this mind-blowing session to learn how to establish cohesion between the two at an entity level without sacrificing your sanity. We will tackle typical organizational barriers impacting resilience and what to do about them. Where does business continuity sit in the organization and why does that matter? How do you get the CISO and BCO on the same page? How do you link plans and processes? What about including BC in cyber incident response planning? And how do you bring it all together? You’ll leave this session energized, informed, and with a BC and cyber resilience checklist to help you obtain and maintain cohesion — and calm.
Tags: Best Practices, Business Continuity Program, Cyber Resilience
Event: DRI White Paper/Survey
Author: DRI International

There are many ways to describe the global events that have unfolded over the course of the last year. Overwhelming, uncertain and pivotal come to mind. But also courageous, caring and resilient are a few ways that we might describe our collective experience as resilience professionals. Our goal at DRI International is always to provide you with learning-focused opportunities that will add value to your certification, help you grow as professionals and empower you to give back to your community. In 2021, that goal felt more meaningful than ever. We worked hard to bring you quality virtual programming to support you through your response to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and the seemingly never-ending onslaught of cyberattacks, severe weather events, supply chain disruptions and the like. Read on to learn about just a few highlights from our activities over the last year.
Tags: Business Continuity Program, Coronavirus/COVID-19, Resiliency, White Paper
Event: DRI Resilience Excellence Summit 2021
Author: Chloe Demrovsky, President, DRI International

Welcome to the 2021 DRI Resilience Excellence Summit! DRI President and CEO Chloe Demrovsky offers some updates on DRI's activities over this challenging year and some information on what our resilience community can expect in the future.
Event: DRI White Paper/Survey
Author: DRI International

2020 was a difficult year for everyone and the crisis is far from over. I want to acknowledge the ongoing challenge presented by Covid-19 and share what DRI is doing to continue assisting you. We know that our resilience professionals around the world are still actively responding to the public health crisis. Our continuity community is rising to the mounting challenges brought on by this pandemic. We have tremendous faith in your skills and dedication and we are beyond proud to be associated with such tireless and innovative professionals. Please know that we are here for you during this unprecedented global response.
Event: DRI Webinar
Author: Lisa Orloff

Community management expert Lisa Orloff provides an overview of effective disaster exercises to assess your business continuity plan. The webinar reviews the key learning objectives of successful models including DRI's Professional Practices for Business Continuity Management, The Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Plan and World Cares Centers Boots on the Ground X. The training is meant to be flexible, scalable, and adaptable so that participants can adapt what is useful to the size and type of organization.
Event: DRI Case Study/Position Paper
Author: Chloe Demrovsky

From a safe social distance, I’ve been fielding frantic calls from organizations that don’t have a business continuity plan to help them respond to the spread of the COVID-19 global pandemic. I’ve also gotten calls from those who do, but there is nothing in it for a pandemic scenario, which manifests itself differently from natural disasters or cyberattacks. If you don't have a business continuity plan in place, these basic steps will help get you started.
Event: DRI Webinar
Author: DRI Future Vision Committee

Future Vision Committee members including Lyndon Bird, David Porter, and Boris Issavi will discuss highlights from the Fifth Annual Global Risk and Resilience Trends and Predictions reports. Discover how your job will be impacted by world events – including cyber threats, natural disasters, and much more – and what you can do about them.
Tags: Business Continuity Program, Future Vision Committee, Trends and Predictions
Event: DRI White Paper/Survey
Author: DRI International

2019 was a truly remarkable year. Our community is growing in exciting ways. From the launch of our popular new Cyber Resilience training and certification program to surging growth in the Public Sector track and continued record numbers in our core Business Continuity programs, the future looks bright for the resilience profession. We are bursting with even more ideas for how to serve you and can’t wait to get you more involved in 2020. Since it is the time of year to look back as well as forward, I want to take a moment to celebrate a landmark year for DRI and our larger community. I am very proud to release this year-at-a-glance report to showcase all of this activity. Read on to see exactly what DRI has done for you lately.
Event: DRI Webinar
Author: Carla Glass, Melanie Lucht, Bryan Mitchell, Michele Turner

Listen to an impressive panel of MBCPs answer your questions from various industries and with a wide range of expertise during our “Ask the MBCPs” webinar.
Tags: Business Continuity Program, Cloud Technology, Cyber Resilience, Cybersecurity, Emergency preparedness, Organizational Resilience, Resiliency
Event: Annual Conference - DRI2019
Author: Bobby Cook, Raelene Anderson

How do you go from crisis management to business continuity mode? Attend this workshop to find out how to make the transition smooth and avoid common pitfalls. The two-hour session will explore “hour zero activities,” including setting up the event, getting the smartest people in the room, communications and notifications, and bringing in business continuity personnel early. Next, you’ll walk through the “48 hours later” transition, including transferring to business continuity and the long-term issues involved in going from crisis response to continuity and recovery.
Tags: Business Continuity Program, Emergency response, Process
Event: Annual Conference - DRI2019
Author: Scott Baldwin

As BCM matures and moves from a business recovery model to an integrated risk partnership within organizational resilience, its use cases and purpose are evolving. In this session, the speaker will share one example of where BCM/OR is uniquely qualified to become a core component of the operational risk landscape. Through three stages of maturity – compliance, readiness, and resilience, this session will discuss how to create the infrastructure to leverage BCM as your organization’s primary operational risk service provider.
Tags: Business Continuity Program, Risk Management, Organizational Resilience
Event: Annual Conference - DRI2019
Author: Brian Bleck, Nancy Bentley

Northwestern Mutual is transforming to be at the center of our client’s financial lives by delivering world class products to meet their financial needs through our best in class financial representatives. In support of these efforts, the Campus and Event Experiences teams are evolving to provide an enterprise risk management strategy that integrates physical security, safety and business continuity programs. This session will share how independent, siloed teams are transforming into a proactive, integrated risk management approach to meet the new digital technology demands, to support the increase in public community events, to evolve with the changing workforce and to prepare for the uncertain external environment.
Tags: Business Continuity Program, Banking/Financial Sector
Event: Annual Conference - DRI2019
Author: Michelle Cross, Ronald Adams

Financial institutions are facing challenges that test their ability to protect the assets of their customers by securing records and one which may threaten the very existence of these institutions.; In addition, government regulations at the international, national and state levels are demanding that the individual be able to have protection of their information, its use and its distribution. This session will discuss the challenges (cyberattacks, data protection, blockchain, etc.) and how financial institutions are preparing to cope with these issues.
Tags: Business Continuity Program, Cybersecurity, Banking/Financial Sector
Event: Annual Conference - DRI2019
Author: Bill Lavigne, Kathryne Estrada, Raymond Seid , Ronnie Sebren, Stephen Weber

This session will explore how a Fortune 6 company manages business continuity; discussion will include the tools McKesson uses to manage one of the largest programs in the business. Learn how McKesson’s internal business continuity (BC) consulting service works very closely with business units as a center of excellence to execute BC policy and drive best practices into operating processes and procedures. BC Consulting conducts assessments, develops strategies, builds plans and conducts both exercises and reviews. The group is also called on at times to train sales teams on BC capabilities and to work directly with large customers alongside corporate leadership and account managers. Next learn how McKesson’s internal disaster recovery (DR) consulting group provides services across business units that focus on the validation and sustainability of a DR capability via performing impact assessments, DR implementation support, DR validation coordination, and procedure plan support. Validation exercises coordinated by DR Consulting can range from individual infrastructure or application-level validation through to complex business process validation. Finally, hear how McKesson’s DR as a Service is integrated with McKesson Technology’s Public Cloud Adoption Plans and provides business units with a customized DR solution leveraging key technology partners. DRaaS supports DR solution design, engineering, and implementation, and has proven to be both highly capable as well as extremely cost effective and presents a very compelling business case for McKesson’s disaster recovery needs.
Tags: Business Continuity Program
Event: Annual Conference - DRI2019
Author: Jeanne Powell

Should your business take an approach successfully used by first responders across the U.S. and, with some modifications, use it temporarily to enable more efficient and effective business continuity and disaster recovery? This session will help you identify benefits of Incident Command (IC) and provide you with the opportunity to observe the practical workings of IC so you more fully understand what it means to shift to a temporary IC management during and after a disaster. In this jam-packed two-hour session, the speaker will bring her years of real-world disaster experience (and humor) to talk about IC benefits and implementation. You'll walk through examples of: a temporary IC reporting structure modified for business; incident related documentation and forms to track progress; and an execution method to continuously and effectively keep incident efforts focused. Then, with the help of a strawman business and disaster scenario, reinforce what you've learned with some hands on learning. Participants will work together to establish an IC reporting structure, apply an operational period approach, complete incident documentation, and observe post-disaster incident documentation reconciliation."
Tags: Business Continuity Program, Process
Event: Annual Conference - DRI2019
Author: Betsey Sayers

Following on her smash hit Women in Business Continuity Management Ask Betsy webinar, Betsy Sayers is back with tips from the trenches. She promises that attendees will walk away with solid examples and templates that you can use – plus some more of those handy “Betsyisms” that are pretty much guaranteed to get you out of any tight spot. Always creative in her approach to continuity, Betsy will show how she uses the Professional Practices for status reporting and teach you all how to play pandemic poker!
Tags: Business Continuity Program, Best Practices, Women in BCM
Event: Annual Conference - DRI2019
Author: Craig Melnick, Mike Janko

Attend this session for a true multidisciplinary presentation, as Goodyear’s business continuity and risk management experts explore how the two disciplines work together at this global manufacturing giant. Using Hurricane Harvey as a jumping off point, the presenters will detail Goodyear’s hurricane response, with a focus on how risk management is integral to overarching continuity and resilience efforts. Get ready for a eye-opening success story that does more than just tell you that business continuity and risk management should work together and instead shows you how to actually do it during events and every day.
Tags: Business Continuity Program, Risk Management, Case Study
Event: Annual Conference - DRI2019
Author: Colleen Merritt Severyn

In June 2017, Merck experienced a cybersecurity incident that identified the need to bolster preparedness for business disruptions. From the fall of 2017 through the present, the Global Regulatory Affairs and Clinical Safety (GRACS) organization prepared its first ever business continuity plan (BCP), including table top exercises and training. This was a massive undertaking for an organization of such breadth (regulatory science, clinical safety, labeling, licensing, operations, etc.) and large size (2200 employees globally), starting from scratch, and an illuminating experience regarding the risk susceptibility of our systems and processes. GRACS is in a much better place today with a completed BCP across the entire organization and connections with ongoing business continuity, risk management, and resiliency efforts across the company.
Tags: Business Continuity Program, Resiliency, Risk Management, Case Study
Event: Annual Conference - DRI2019
Author: Michele Turner

At the core of a successful BC program is leadership, support and engagement. Articulating the value from an employee safety, customer commitment,organizational resiliency, and potential risk and liability perspective is key. Once that support is received, how do we continue to “savor that flavor”? During this session, we will explore the inclusion of leadership as continuity is percolated throughout the organization. What information does leadership need to continue to validate/fund the brewing approach, based on change in strategy? What type of “in store training” is needed at their level, to confirm roles in the event of a business interruption or “bad pour.” We’ll review case studies of where things went well, and where some things were quite bitter in taste. Continuity when done right…great to the last drop!
Tags: Business Continuity Program, Case Study
Event: DRI Webinar
Author: Lyndon Bird

“GDPR: Considerations for Continuity Professionals" is DRI's first webinar designed for European audiences. We will be discussing GDPR and its implications across business continuity. We will hear first from Lyndon Bird, DRI’s Chief Knowledge Officer, who will provide background on the regulation and its considerations. Lyndon will be joined by Ovidiu Diaconescu, who will be discussing cross-border data transfers, and Luuk Akkermans who will expand on the impact of GDPR on supplier contracts.
Tags: Business Continuity Program, Governance/Regulatory Response and Compliance, Europe
Event: DRI Webinar
Author: Chloe Demrovsky, Karol Cordero

El DRI se complace en anunciar el webinar en español del 2018. Buscamos entregar beneficios a nuestros profesionales certificados y a la comunidad del DRI en general, por lo que no solamente brindamos webinars en inglés, sino que ahora también los traemos en el idioma español. Anota en tu calendario este 12 de Octubre de 2018 en el horario 9:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. CDT, el siguiente webinar educacional del DRI: Tendencias y Predicciones en Continuidad de Negocio Chloe Demrovsky, Presidente y Directora Ejecutiva del DRI Internacional y Karol Cordero, Directora de Mercadeo para América Latina del DRI, serán las presentadoras del Webinar. Con base en los eventos y resultados del 2017, el Comité de Visión Futuro del DRI Internacional ha elaborado el tercer informe anual de tendencias y predicciones para la profesión de Continuidad de Negocio y Resiliencia. En este webinar presentaremos los resultados de este informe, mirando hacia atrás en lo que ha ocurrido y viendo lo que podría estar a la vuelta de la esquina para nuestra profesión. ¡No te pierdas este webinar gratuito totalmente en español!
Tags: Business Continuity Program, Resiliency, Spanish Language
Event: DRI Collegiate Conference - Pace University - Oct. 17, 2018
Author: Jerome Ryan

Overview of State Street Bank’s Business Continuity Program
Tags: Business Continuity Program
Event: DRI Collegiate Conference - Pace University - Oct. 17, 2018
Author: Tejas Katwala

Current cyber response frameworks are incomplete and cyber programs in a silo are a major vulnerability. Lost business is the number one component of cyber breach cost because of customer turnover, brand reputation loss and diminished goodwill. Cyber threat and breach are business problems and business continuity professionals have the expertise that can be leveraged to reduce both the time and money associated with a cyber breach. Join Tejas Katwala to build your business case.
Tags: Business Continuity Program, Resiliency, Resilient Enterprise
Event: DRI Collegiate Conference - Pace University - Oct. 17, 2018
Author: Ira Tannenbaum

Planning anything in a vacuum is virtually impossible. Resiliency and continuity planning – especially searching out dependencies and preparing for them – highlights the critical connections between the sectors. Various models exist to bring us together but these partnerships, like plans, are dynamic and cannot be put on a shelf to be “referenced” when necessary. In order for everyone to be successful these mutually beneficial relationships need to be nurtured and maintained on a regular basis. In this session we will discuss some of the strategies that can be used for engaging both sides of these “institutions”.
Tags: Business Continuity Program, Public-Private Partnership
Event: DRI Collegiate Conference - NorQuest College - May 17, 2018
Author: Jim Ross

Jim Ross, Campus Alberta Risk Assurance Committee Director, Risk and Assurance Services, MacEwan University presents on collaboration as a BCM system for the Alberta post-secondary sector.
Tags: Business Continuity Program, Canada, Higher Education
Event: DRI Collegiate Conference - NorQuest College - May 17, 2018
Author: Claire Mechan,Dave Melanson

Business Continuity Coordinator Claire Mechan, ABCP, and David Melanson, BSc, discuss continuity and cyber security at NorQuest College.
Tags: Business Continuity Program, Cybersecurity, Canada, Higher Education, Resilience Careers
Event: DRI Collegiate Conference - NorQuest College - May 17, 2018
Author: Patrick (Butch) Brennan, Ken Baker

Ken Baker and Butch Brennan present on enterprise risk management and business continuity for the city of Edmonton.
Tags: Business Continuity Program, Risk Management, Canada
Event: Annual Conference - DRI2018
Author: Cheryl Carmel

Information security is, without a doubt, on the minds of every executive! Identifying and reducing risks, and responding to any information security incident, is a top priority that pulls resources from all areas together. Whether your role involves business continuity or disaster recovery or crisis communications, our responsibilities are converging with our information security counterparts about these challenges. Join industry expert Cheryl Carmel (CISSP) as she defines the coordination and collaboration between information security professionals and business continuity professionals that must be present for comprehensive risk mitigation and incident response plans within the information security program.
Tags: Business Continuity Program, Cybersecurity, Security
Event: Annual Conference - DRI2018
Author: Shinobu Sasaki

Japan is a country that continues to suffer serious natural disasters such as earthquakes, typhoons, and floods. In most cases, these are widespread incidents that impact a fairly large geographic region. In planning or such wide area disasters, the DR strategy may depend on the location where the incident occurred. Using real-lie case studies, this session will explain the unique approach the Japanese have to BC and DR.
Tags: Best Practices, Business Continuity Program, Global Strategy, Earthquakes, Asia, Case Study
Event: Annual Conference - DRI2018
Author: Jerrick Croston, Michael Smith

Are you a government, healthcare, or financial organization? Then your business continuity and disaster recovery (BCDR) program is likely driven by regulatory requirements. The purpose of this presentation is to discuss BC/DR program management for private or non-traditional organizations. The goal of this session is to explore common challenges like: What if you don’t have regulatory drivers to guide your program? How do contractual requirements guide your program? What are some effective strategies to ensure that you are strengthening resiliency in your environments? We will review a case study on how Asurion’s Global Business Resilience Team managed the recent events of Hurricane Harvey and Irma, and Mexico City’s earthquake.
Tags: Business Continuity Program, Global Strategy, Resiliency, Resilient Enterprise, Case Study
Event: Annual Conference - DRI2018
Author: Arunabh Mitra

What separates a “good” BCM program from a “great” one? How does an organization’s investment in BC risk mitigation systems and processes measure up against leading practices? At a time when risks are increasing, what are the building blocks upon which to build a world-class BC program that not only protects an organization from internal and external threats, but also enhances its brand and strengthens its relationships with all stakeholders? With that as the backdrop this session will explore the unique nuances and journey of building out a world class BC program at HCL Technologies. Founded in 1976 as one of India’s original IT garage start-ups, HCL is a pioneer of modern computing with many firsts to its credit, including the introduction of the 8-bit microprocessor-based computer in 1978 well before its global peers. Today, the HCL Enterprise has a presence across varied sectors that include technology, healthcare and talent management solutions and comprises three companies – HCL Infosystems, HCL Technologies and HCL Healthcare. The enterprise generates annual revenues of over US $7 billion with more than 115,000 employees from 140 nationalities operating across 32 countries, including over 500 points of presence in India. The session will include curated insights from HCL Technologies’ journey on its BCM roadmap on the following themes: Money Goes Where Strategy Goes: Connecting your BC program to the long term business strategy of the firm Never waste a Crisis: Tales of business opportunism to accelerate the BC program at the wake of incidents Culture is King: Fixing the balance of accountability and the three lines of defense The Three E’s: Exciting, equipping, and empowering a cross-generational workforce Modernization of a BCM program to keep pace with evolving times Creating a Differentiated Industry Offering Attendees will leave this session with a rich understanding of the complexities of excelling in BCM in a multi-client and multi industry environment like HCL Technologies and how we leveraged BCM to create value for the firm.
Tags: Business Continuity Program, Case Study, Risk Management
Event: Annual Conference - DRI2018
Author: Scott Baldwin

Whether you’re struggling with program implementation, experiencing the continuous program ‘reboot’ cycle, or just want to investigate ways to improve your BC program, this presentation will describe clear and useful strategies you can use to address the most common program roadblocks and go from initial program implementation to true business continuity resilience. Based on the experiences of many BC professionals from around the world, this presentation will provide you with tried and tested practical steps you can use to create or improve your BC program.
Tags: Business Continuity Program
Event: Annual Conference - DRI2018
Author: Harvey Betan, Donald Scmidt

Auditing is an objective activity that should add value to an organization by following a systematic, disciplined approach. If you’re striving to improve your business continuity program or need to audit critical suppliers, this workshop is a must. Whether you are self-assessing your program (auditing the preparedness of your suppliers) or preparing for certification, this two-hour, hands-on workshop will provide the guidance you need. Auditing methodology will be defined, evaluation criteria including international standards will be identified, and lessons learned from decades of auditing will be shared. Project management, collecting “evidence,” corroborating information gathered, and using objective criteria to identify program gaps and support your opinion will be covered.
Tags: Business Continuity Program, Audit
Event: Annual Conference - DRI2018
Author: Harvey Betan, Donald Schmidt

Supplemental worksheet. See presentation listing. Auditing is an objective activity that should add value to an organization by following a systematic, disciplined approach. If you’re striving to improve your business continuity program or need to audit critical suppliers, this workshop is a must. Whether you are self-assessing your program (auditing the preparedness of your suppliers) or preparing for certification, this two-hour, hands-on workshop will provide the guidance you need.
Tags: Audit, Business Continuity Program
Event: Annual Conference - DRI2018
Author: Linda Chevalier

Attend this session to learn how Colorado Springs Utilities, the DRI 2017 Team of the Year award recipient, built a successful team and program. Strengthening a foundation through commitment, collaboration, and communication has brought the team to the forefront of the organization at times of utility disruptions and emergency incidents. Grab a tip or two, or three, from this session to enhance any program.
Tags: Business Continuity Program, Utilities, Case Study
Event: Annual Conference - DRI2018
Author: Michelle Cross, Paul Johnson

The world of continuity planning is evolving. We face more diverse risks and our influence extends beyond traditional continuity. The lines dividing emergency response, DR, and BCP are becoming blurred and the expectations of continuity planners had grown in both scope and magnitude. The traditional continuity planning methods are no longer sufficient to meet these evolving demands and risks. As an industry we need to be nimble and adapt the fundamentals into a more flexible continuity planning model. This session addresses how a company can take traditional continuity planning and morph itself into a risks and resiliency culture.
Tags: Business Continuity Program
Event: Annual Conference - DRI2018
Author: Donald Long, Ted Marquardt

As a BC practitioner, to effectively prepare your organization to respond to emergencies and recover from adverse events, you must cross boundaries and build relationships with staff, team leads, department heads, and subject matter experts from the various lines of business. While nurturing these relationships, have you ever considered leveraging your exposure to the wider enterprise as an opportunity to create even more value for the organization? As you engage associates from across the enterprise, listen to their challenges and ask yourself…Are there other measures that the BC program can pursue to make the organization more resilient? Are there other potential adversities that the BC program is well-suited to proactively manage and help the business avoid? Are there more opportunities to increase BC’s “stickiness” in the company? In this session, we will explore how to identify opportunities for leveraging your BC program’s strengths that can elevate the BC practice and make your program more valuable. Make BC “sticky” by optimizing the relationships you build and by applying your expertise in other areas that can benefit from your unique perspective. We will present the real-world use cases below, along with practical templates for you to use, where you can apply your knowledge and skills to increase the resiliency of the organization beyond usual BC practices, thus creating more value with the BC program: Data Management – BC practitioners document business functions, their related application systems, and conduct BIAs. Take this a step further to define and classify the data into security classes that helps identify what can be retained or destroyed. Vendor Management – BC activities usually include the tracking of key vendors that contribute significantly to the business. Extend that activity to identify the top vendors and determine for which of those vendors to execute a more detailed assessment, audit, and review.
Tags: Business Continuity Program
Event: Annual Conference - DRI2018
Author: Michele Turner

We’ve learned a lot in the past 30+ years in the world of recovery and continuity. Where the origin may have been systems and technology, an industry evolution was necessary. Where previous conversations would have been focused on tape recovery and disk storage, the 3Ps (partnership, process, and persistence) brought about a rebirth that has led to significant understanding in the shared roles of the business, IT and vendors in supporting critical processes, across geographies (language and geo political challenges not withstanding). During this session, we’ll review these 3 Ps in a case study format, using references of the 2008 movie: The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (your homework is to watch the movie!). Unusual circumstances, a refresh of what we think we know, time keeps on ticking…what is old, becomes new.
Tags: Business Continuity Program, Global Strategy, Process
Event: DRI Collegiate Conference - De La Salle University - Mar. 16, 2017
Author: Dickenson Y. Africa

Dickenson Y. Africa, CPA, CISA, MBA, CBCLA, discusses BCM initiatives of the Bangko Sentral NG Pilipinas.
Tags: Business Continuity Program, Asia, Banking/Financial Sector
Event: Annual Conference - DRI2017
Author: Marc Kantor

Many firms have relied on a legacy network of individuals, processes, tooling and documentation that have organically evolved to fit their Business Continuity needs and concerns. These disparate activities are often not centrally organized, managed, or sometimes not universally known, and have a tendency to become outmoded and ineffectual. Using a defined methodology that extends itself to virtually any organization, firms can create a holistic and centrally managed continuity program, encompassing of crisis management. A robust program, that in its end state will not require substantial funding or resources. Drawing on available enterprise IT resources, leveraging tools every firm has readily available, creative use of human capital, refined data collection & aggregation, and well defined messaging can effectively create a resilient firm-wide continuity program. Enact foundational aspects that will cast the program on a forward path of continuous improvement, adding value to HR, Finance and other parts of the organization as information consumers. This is a replicable formula that works. With the right people involved and a defined course of action, this plan helps institute an enterprise wide continuity program using minimal budgetary and human capital resources. A winning formula that speaks to most firms’ needs.
Tags: Business Continuity Program
Event: Annual Conference - DRI2017
Author: Bobby Cook, Raeline Anderson

Applied Materials, a $9.7 billion technology giant, takes business continuity and emergency response seriously. Applied Materials is the leader in materials engineering solutions used to produce virtually every new chip and advanced display in the world. At the center of the company’s overall program is a robust test and exercise strategy and schedule. Designed to protect 14,000+ employees, 10,200+ patents in 81 sites and 18 countries, it all starts at the company’s Silicon Valley headquarters. It is here that our commitment from top executives makes excellence and innovation possible. Attend this session for an in-depth case study detailing two massive recent exercises — from start to finish. The presenters spent decades in the public sector and have translated their experience, knowledge, and training into a world-class global program for use in any public or private organization.
Tags: Business Continuity Program, Case Study, Exercises
Event: DRI Collegiate Conference - St. John's University - Sept. 12, 2016
Author: Al Berman

Al Berman will cover the realities and trends in supply chain, as well as other issues facing risk managers and business continuity management. In addition, he will discuss issues surrounding supply and the rash of recent cyber security events. Finally, he will talk about the field of business continuity from a career perspective.
Tags: Business Continuity Program, Cybersecurity, Emergency response, Higher Education, Resilience Careers
Event: DRI Collegiate Conference - St. John's University - Sept. 12, 2016
Author: Mitchell Simon

On October 29, 2012, Hurricane Sandy barreled through the northeast, leaving unprecedented damage and a devastated NYU Langone Medical Center in her wake. Attend this session for more than just the "war story." You'll find out what happened (hundreds of faculty, staff, and students - in partnership with the FDNY, NYPD, Office of Emergency Management, and volunteers - evacuated 322 patients from a building that had no power, lights, or functioning elevators) as well as what has happened since the NYU Langone reopened and reimagined business continuity program. Find out about the critical success factors in making BCP work in a healthcare setting and learn about the challenges BC professionals face in transitioning into a healthcare environment at this informative session.
Tags: Business Continuity Program, Case Study, Healthcare, Hurricanes
Event: DRI Collegiate Conference - St. John's University - Sept. 12, 2016
Author: David Garland

With the ever-changing landscape of Business Continuity, it’s more important than ever before to truly understand your obligations, responsibilities, and where you stand. Learn how to build a regulatory response function, align your BCDR program with regulations and standards, and begin to think about controls that will help you achieve operational goals and compliance with laws, regulations and internal policies.
Tags: Business Continuity Program, IT/DR, Regulations and Standards
Event: DRI Collegiate Conference - Saint Louis University - Sept. 15, 2016
Author: Al Berman

Al Berman will cover the realities and trends in supply chain, as well as other issues facing risk managers and business continuity management. In addition, he will discuss issues surrounding supply and the rash of recent cyber security events. Finally, he will talk about the field of business continuity from a career perspective.
Tags: Business Continuity Program, Cybersecurity, Higher Education, Resilience Careers
Event: DRI Collegiate Conference - Saint Louis University - Sept. 15, 2016
Author: Bill Darte

Learn how business continuity and disaster recovery are positioned with the body of knowledge of two important security certifications popular with the community — CompTIA Security+ and ISC2 Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP). The SLU Center for Workforce & Organization Development offers a variety of programs and certifications for professionals, some of which include academic credit for students.
Tags: Business Continuity Program, Security, Technology, Higher Education, Resilience Careers
Event: DRI Collegiate Conference - University of St. Thomas - April 23 2016
Author: Al Berman

Al Berman will cover the realities and trends in supply chain, including strategies currently being implemented by Japanese manufacturers, as well as other issues facing risk managers and business continuity management. In addition, he will discuss issues surrounding supply and the rash of recent cyber security events. Finally, he will talk about the field of business continuity from a career perspective.
Tags: Business Continuity Program, Cyber Resilience, Cybersecurity, Higher Education, Supply Chain, Resilience Careers
Event: Annual Conference - DRI2016
Author: Silvio Pezzo

Attend this session for an in-depth business continuity audit case study of one of the largest global retailers. Discover what lessons were learned during that audit process, explore the benefits of audit, discuss real BC risks, examine control methods, and review examples of audit procedures.
Tags: Case Study, Audit, Business Continuity Program
Event: Annual Conference - DRI2016
Author: Pauline Williams-Banta

This presentation will give an overview of the threat horizon, a comprehensive review of the "kill chain" and address the changing role of the BC practitioner in the process. Takeaways include a grasp of the lingo, working with security incident vendors, preserving evidence, and dealing with external agencies.
Tags: Business Continuity Program, Security
Event: Annual Conference - DRI2016
Author: Donis Heard

This presentation will look at how to simply turn the FFIEC's IT Workbook into an outline for BC planning as well as looking at the FFIEC Examination Procedures. It will also look at how to leverage the FFIEC's IT Handbook Appendix A to make your business better prepared for your FFIEC Audit.
Tags: Business Continuity Program
Event: DRI White Paper/Survey
Author: DRI/Marsh
Marsh, in collaboration with DRI, surveyed nearly 200 C-suite executives, risk professionals and business continuity managers from large and medium-sized corporations internationally about their organizations’ attitudes toward business risks and the risk mitigation processes they have in place. The 2015 International Business Resilience Survey results indicate that organizations are better positioned to address traditional than non-traditional risks and that risk managers and CEOs have different perceptions about the severity and control measures in place for various risks facing their organizations.
Event: DRI Collegiate Conference - Dominican University of California - July 10, 2015
Author: Al Berman

Al Berman covers the realities and trends in supply chain, including strategies currently being implemented by Japanese manufacturers, as well as other issues facing risk managers and business continuity management. In addition, he discusses issues surrounding supply and the rash of recent cyber security events. Finally, he talks about the field of business continuity from a career perspective.
Tags: Business Continuity Program, Cybersecurity, Supply Chain, Higher Education, Resilience Careers
Event: DRI Collegiate Conference - Dominican University of California - July 10, 2015
Author: Paula Scalingi, PhD

This presentation looks at current gaps in defining resilience, using a case study of the aftermath of the 2014 Napa Valley earthquake as an example.
Tags: Business Continuity Program, Resiliency, Risk Management, Case Study, Earthquakes
Event: DRI Collegiate Conference - Dominican University of California - July 10, 2015
Author: Ed Clayton

How do companies in a non-BCP-regulated environment attain alignment with ISO 22301? The presentation will discuss the Chevron Business Continuity Program, the link to its Operational Excellence Management System Process (MSP), and the benefits this creates in providing a sustainable program that aligns with BCM best practices and ISO 22301.
Tags: Business Continuity Program, Best Practices, Regulations and Standards, Governance/Regulatory Response and Compliance
Event: DRI Collegiate Conference - Dominican University of California - July 10, 2015
Author: Matt Bogaard

Earthquakes and numerous other passive threats to business continuity are challenging from a planning perspective because we can't predict when they might strike and how severe the impact will be. However, nearly all of the downstream, post-incident impacts can be anticipated and addressed pre-incident. A cutting-edge, comprehensive program at DreamWorks (the first of its kind in southern California) will provide attendees with tangible, specific examples of how to proactively prepare for crisis. Earthquakes provide a very topical and relevant foundation for this discussion, but the strategic framework put forth in this presentation can be overlaid onto virtually any crisis.
Tags: Business Continuity Program, Emergency preparedness, Emergency response, Earthquakes, Case Study, Public Sector
Event: DRI Collegiate Conference - Dominican University of California - July 10, 2015
Author: Ingela and Jack Orlove

The scope of this discussion will include using compliance as a tool for risk mitigation, glimpsing the standards and regulations of compliance and DRP/BCP, and finding the balance between what is required and what is possible. Where are the risks in the market and how do you rationalize other cases of due diligence with the requirements of the auditor/regulator?
Tags: Business Continuity Program, Regulations and Standards, Governance/Regulatory Response and Compliance
Event: DRI Collegiate Conference - University of Maryland - April 10, 2015
Author: Al Berman

DRI President Al Berman covers the realities and trends in supply chain, including strategies currently being implemented by Japanese manufacturers, as well as other issues facing risk managers and business continuity management. In addition, he discusses issues surrounding supply and the rash of recent cyber security events. Finally, he talks about the field of business continuity from a career perspective.
Tags: Business Continuity Program, Cybersecurity, Supply Chain, Higher Education, Resilience Careers
Event: DRI Collegiate Conference - University of Maryland - April 10, 2015
Author: Randy Jouben

Jouben explores the intersection between two key disciplines – business continuity (BC) and risk management (RM).
Tags: Business Continuity Program, Risk Management
Event: DRI Collegiate Conference - University of Maryland - April 10, 2015
Author: Lorie Alioto

The financial sector is highly regulated and Business Continuity Planning and Risk Management expectations are higher for this sector with a great deal of scrutiny which is increasing each year. Learn about how a financial organization is not only meeting regulatory requirements but exceeding them to ensure recoverability and resiliency under any circumstances.
Tags: Business Continuity Program, Banking/Financial Sector, Risk Management
Event: Annual Conference - DRI2015
Author: Raymond Seid, David Evangelista

Learn how McKesson's Service Continuity Office approached the challenge of establishing a BC program with a major internal customer Learn how they leveraged the DRI Professional Practices to implement a robust cyclical business continuity program! The session will provide practical ways to implement a solid BC program that establishes a safety team, working committee, and executive governance committee.
Tags: Business Continuity Program