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A selection of materials from DRI International is available here as an added benefit for DRI members. We hope you enjoy this informative collection of industry information and research.

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Business Continuity and the Financial Sector

Event: DRI Collegiate Conference - University of Texas at Dallas - Mar. 28, 2023

Author: Marsha Buehler

As one of the most highly-regulated industries, the final sector understands the value of business continuity and invests in it too. Marsha Buehler, VP of Business Resiliency and Oversight Management, JP Morgan Chase will share her experience in the financial sector and discuss its unique continuity requirements. Buehler is also the Mentorship and International Development Lead for the DRI Foundation’s Women in Business Continuity Management Executive Committee.

Tags: Banking/Financial Sector, Business Continuity Program

Keynote: What makes the Texas Economy Unique? Insights on the Border Economy and the Road Ahead

Event: Annual Conference - DRI2023

Author: Roberto Coronado

Roberto Coronado, Senior Vice President in Charge of El Paso and San Antonio Branches, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, is an expert on La economía de frontera – the US/Mexico border economy. As a Senior Economist, Coronado has devoted decades to researching this richly unique region. Coronado’s plenary address will welcome us to Texas with a deep dive into how the US/Mexico border economy fared during the recent COVID-19 pandemic, what’s ahead for this region, and what lessons learned can shape our understanding as resilience professionals.

Tags: Banking/Financial Sector, Community Resilience, Coronavirus/COVID-19, Resiliency

Connecting with your Continuity Coordinators & Community

Event: Annual Conference - DRI2019

Author: Chris Volpe

Business moves faster every day with increased demands from regulatory, compliance, risk and increased market complexity. How then do we as continuity professionals compete for time to ensure the safety of personal and the continuity of services for our clients? Consistent and persistent contact with the continuity community and coordinators that creates a partnership and value while mitigating the risk. We will look at ways to keep it simple but authentic, reduce the noise and focus on the mission, provide value to the community and the individuals supporting the program as well as investing time to create aids for the community to navigate the program efficiently to produce the desired objectives. We’ll take a look at our shared experiences with the communities we support, laugh a bit and walk away with elements that can be incorporated into your program to help all those involved.

Tags: Banking/Financial Sector

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Supporting Northwestern Mutual Digital Transformation: Disaster Recovery Maturation from Walkthrough to Business Process Exercise

Event: Annual Conference - DRI2019

Author: Paul McMillan, Will Belke

Northwestern Mutual (NM) has embarked on a digital transformation which has created greater client visibility to and demand on technology services, thus raising the importance of availability and resiliency of those services. The NM Enterprise disaster recovery and technology infrastructure teams will describe how disaster recovery practices have matured to support the firm’s transformation. Over a two-year period, disaster recovery exercises have moved from solely application focused walkthroughs to business process workflow exercises which include production technology and business user participation. Learn how NM made these improvements happen, lessons learned on the journey, and what still lies ahead to reach a highly performing DR program.

Tags: Banking/Financial Sector, Resiliency

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Financial Industry: Staying Ahead of BCM Challenges

Event: Annual Conference - DRI2019

Author: Michelle Cross, Ronald Adams

Financial institutions are facing challenges that test their ability to protect the assets of their customers by securing records and one which may threaten the very existence of these institutions.; In addition, government regulations at the international, national and state levels are demanding that the individual be able to have protection of their information, its use and its distribution. This session will discuss the challenges (cyberattacks, data protection, blockchain, etc.) and how financial institutions are preparing to cope with these issues.

Tags: Business Continuity Program, Cybersecurity, Banking/Financial Sector

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Extreme Resiliency

Event: Annual Conference - DRI2019

Author: Colleen Herrmann, John Harris

Capital One is raising the stakes for resiliency by adding the practice of regional isolation (ring fencing) of cloud regions to ensure real and effective regional independence. This presentation will cover the approach and the lessons learned from this important evolution in our practice.

Tags: Banking/Financial Sector, Resiliency

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Integrating Security, Safety and Business Continuity into an Enterprise Risk Management Program at Northwestern Mutual (Part 2)

Event: Annual Conference - DRI2019

Author: Brian Bleck, Nancy Bentley

Northwestern Mutual is transforming to be at the center of our client’s financial lives by delivering world class products to meet their financial needs through our best in class financial representatives. In support of these efforts, the Campus and Event Experiences teams are evolving to provide an enterprise risk management strategy that integrates physical security, safety and business continuity programs. This session will share how independent, siloed teams are transforming into a proactive, integrated risk management approach to meet the new digital technology demands, to support the increase in public community events, to evolve with the changing workforce and to prepare for the uncertain external environment.

Tags: Business Continuity Program, Banking/Financial Sector

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How to Get Involved in ISACs to Benefit your Company’s Business Continuity, Response Capabilities and Exercising

Event: Annual Conference - DRI2019

Author: Susan Rogers

U.S. and global critical infrastructure protection for cyber and physical events, recognize the effectiveness of trusted information sharing and peer communication during cyber and physical events. In this session, the Financial Sector Information Sharing and Analysis Center’s(FS-ISAC) information sharing lifecycle model will be discussed. The goal of this session is to spread awareness within the business continuity community, and encourage their increased participation in resilience information sharing. The session will describe the operational activities FS-ISAC members participate in and lead, the various peer communities of trust members may join and examples of how company’s incorporate ISAC participation into their resiliency plans and exercising.

Tags: Banking/Financial Sector, Resiliency

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Trends and Approaches to Managing Climate and Disaster Risk in Corporate Business Continuity Planning

Event: Annual Conference - DRI2019

Author: Josh Sawislak

Assessment and pricing of climate and disaster risk by the global financial markets is changing based on increases in global disaster costs and a clearer understanding of the threats and vulnerabilities to physical assets as well as supply and value chains. Business continuity planners are more frequently being called on to demonstrate how companies are effectively planning to reduce and manage these risks as part of overall valuation of company equity and corporate strategy planning. Josh Sawislak, a global expert in climate and disaster resilience and continuity planning, will conduct an interactive discussion of why these issues are becoming more and more salient to BCP professionals as well as company financial and operations executives and boards of directors, including the overlap of climate adaptation and climate mitigation (sustainability) issues. He will cover issues including: Financial market and investor interest Corporate responsibilities and disclosures Tools and resources available to support strategy development and compliance Strategies and approaches to drive executive leadership understanding, engagement, and support The resilience/sustainability nexus. Session attendees will gain a clearer understanding of why these issues are already salient to their organization and why the importance will likely grow over the next few years. They will also learn about and have the opportunity to discuss tools, resources, and strategies to address these risks, how to talk to management and gain their support, and how to engage other groups within their organization who have overlapping and aligned missions and resources.

Tags: Banking/Financial Sector

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CASE STUDY: A Hurricane Harvey Success Story at Zions Bancorporation

Event: Annual Conference - DRI2018

Author: Ryan longman

Attend this session for a firsthand Hurricane Harvey case study! Zions Bancorporation is one of the nation’s premier financial services companies with total assets exceeding $65 billion. Zions operates under local management teams and distinct brands in 11 western states: Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Texas, Utah, Washington and Wyoming, including Amegy Bank in Texas. Hard hit by Hurricane Harvey in the region served by Amegy, Zions committed to helping both customers and the greater Houston community. While Amegy was open for business throughout the storm with mobile, online, and telephonic banking access, some branches did close temporarily. Hear about the actions the Zions team took to ensure the safety of its employees and help ease the financial needs of its employees, customers, and the community.

Tags: Hurricanes, Case Study, Banking/Financial Sector

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SEC, FINRA, HIPAA, FISMA, NFPA, ISO, FFIEC – Why Can’t We All Play by the Same Rules?

Event: Annual Conference - DRI2018

Author: Bobby Williams

It seems that every industry or government agency wants DR and BC to be done a little bit differently. Some overlap and some don’t. Throw in a standard or two, and the plot really gets complicated. If your company touches multiple industries or agencies, how can you be in compliance? Let’s take a look at some regulations, standards, and guidelines and turn the heap of ingredients into alphabet soup that we can digest. We will look at BC and DR requirements and see if we can serve up components that can help your program be palatable and in compliance with multiple menus. Start participating now by helping out the beforehand. Send Bobby Williams a message detailing the standards, regulations, or guidelines with which you must comply. This session is meant to have gobal reach so North and South America, Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia, or Antarctica, get in on this! We don’t want anything to be left out and this is one time where there can’t be too many cooks in the kitchen. You can find Bobby on LinkedIn here or email your message to brojas@drii.org.

Tags: Governance/Regulatory Response and Compliance, Global Strategy, Regulations and Standards, Banking/Financial Sector, Healthcare

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Business Continuity Initiatives of the Central Bank of the Philippines

Event: DRI Collegiate Conference - De La Salle University - Mar. 16, 2017

Author: Dickenson Y. Africa

Dickenson Y. Africa, CPA, CISA, MBA, CBCLA, discusses BCM initiatives of the Bangko Sentral NG Pilipinas.

Tags: Business Continuity Program, Asia, Banking/Financial Sector

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Continuity Beyond Compliance

Event: Annual Conference - DRI2016

Author: Vladimir Lodkin

This presentation explores how State Street evolves its continuity program to address new challenges to the financial sector by incorporating a more risk-focused approach in addition to compliance. We will discuss the significance of building strong and effective relationships with regulators and internal audit, collaborating across internal divisions and business lines, and embedding a continuity mindset into everyday business operations and decisions.

Tags: Banking/Financial Sector

Successful Business Continuity Planning and Risk Management within the Financial Sector

Event: DRI Collegiate Conference - University of Maryland - April 10, 2015

Author: Lorie Alioto

The financial sector is highly regulated and Business Continuity Planning and Risk Management expectations are higher for this sector with a great deal of scrutiny which is increasing each year. Learn about how a financial organization is not only meeting regulatory requirements but exceeding them to ensure recoverability and resiliency under any circumstances.

Tags: Business Continuity Program, Banking/Financial Sector, Risk Management

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Economic Recovery: Working with Your Financial Institution

Event: Annual Conference - DRI2014

Author: Lisette Carillo


Tags: BIA, Banking/Financial Sector

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Business Continuity Issues for Operational Risk Management: Financial Supervision Case Study

Event: Annual Conference - DRI2013

Author: Andro Kull

This case study session shows how business continuity issues may be mixed with other issues (IT) to ensure information security, i.e. availability, integrity and confidentiality. The IT supervision approach will be presented, as it was developed for the financial market in Estonia. The main idea is to consider the requirements for IT governance, information security, business continuity and outsourcing and use the layered approach to implement this approach. Estonia is an interesting country to apply such ideas starting with its market concentration, the situation with main service providers, the connections with group level enterprises, etc.

Tags: Banking/Financial Sector, Europe, IT/DR, Risk Management, Security

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Wide-Area Disaster Planning Case Study: A Global Financial Institution In Japan

Event: Annual Conference - DRI2013

Author: Jim Pelczar

Wide-Area Disaster Planning Case Study: A Global Financial Institution In Japan

Tags: Case Study, Emergency preparedness, Emergency response, Asia, Resiliency, Banking/Financial Sector

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BCM Development in China: Achievement and Challenges

Event: Annual Conference - DRI2012

Author: Gary Liu


Tags: Global Strategy, Asia, Banking/Financial Sector

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NYSE Euronext: A Case Study

Event: Annual Conference - DRI2012

Author: Mitchell Simon

This session explores the challenges faced by NYSE Euronext in developing business continuity and disaster recovery platforms. NYSE Euronext is a company that does not manufacture anything, doesn't sell anything, and provides no tangible goods. Yet, it is one of the most regulated companies in the world. With a direct influence over global economic well-being, NYSE Euronext needs solid business continuity plans that are thought-out and tested, address any type of crisis, and ensure operability and communications. This session will review how plans are developed, crisis management is addressed, and communication is ensured. Attendees will benefit from statistics on efforts, lessons learned, and how NYSE Euronext plans to plan going forward.

Tags: Process, Banking/Financial Sector

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