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A selection of materials from DRI International is available here as an added benefit for DRI members. We hope you enjoy this informative collection of industry information and research.

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BDO Sponsored Webinar: Don’t Sleep on Tech – Life After Resilience Technology Implementation

Event: DRI Webinar

Author: Sidney Weinstein, Quinn Einck

Enabling your organization’s resilience capabilities can be a daunting task. Risk domains traditionally sit in siloed functions and resiliency plans struggle to gain footing across an enterprise. An organization’s disjointed areas of resilience may hinder efforts to empower employees to make sound resilience-based decisions. In this session, we will explore how properly leveraging technology promotes greater stakeholder engagement and increases connectivity across an organization. We will focus on the following elements crucial to the adoption of technology following its implementation: - Engage stakeholders through change management: Handing out access to a technology does not mean stakeholders will use it. Emphasize user experience to ensure scalability of your resilience capabilities. Training and supporting users on how to use the technology will help propel your program forward. - Always be automating: Look for opportunities to automate to improve data quality. This shift allows users to concentrate more on analyzing data rather than collecting it, which leads to saving time and resources and improving reporting. - Don’t set it and forget it: Continuously review your evolving business objectives and needs to confirm your technology remains suitable and effective. Many organizations implement technologies hoping to bolster the success and reach of their resilience program, but they forget new technology alone won’t enhance a program. Start by assessing current technology use, next identify automation opportunities, then plan for regular technology effectiveness reviews to ensure resilience capabilities are continuously optimized. NOTE: This is a sponsored webinar with content produced by BDO. The information contained in this presentation represents the views and opinions of BDO and does not necessarily represent the views or opinions of DRI International.

Tags: Metrics, Sponsored Content, Technology

True North Resilience - Fall 2023

Author: DRI Canada

This edition of DRI Canada's magazine includes articles on supplemental BCM software, implementing the Professional Practices, telecommunications, and more.

Tags: Business Continuity Program, Canada, Communications/Crisis Communications, Technology

DRI Webinar - Resilience in the Digital Era: Navigating Business Continuity in the Wake of Rapid Digital Transformation

Event: DRI Webinar

Author: Rod Crowder, CBCP

Join DRI Australia and New Zealand's Rod Crowder, CBCP, for this webinar discussing how the Covid-19 pandemic brought about rapid change for businesses and industries across the world, who were forced to implement years of planned digital solutions in a matter of weeks or months. The unexpected need to transition large numbers of employees to a work-from-home model required a major rethink to business and IT delivery models, with risks quickly transitioning from premises and office environments to data centres, networks, software applications and data security. In this webinar, we will discuss how this transition has impacted business continuity planning and how it is evolving to keep pace with the emerging digital-era.

Tags: Coronavirus/COVID-19, Cybersecurity, Technology

Navigating Tomorrow’s Uncertainties: The Future of Risk In The Age of Technological Advancements

Event: DRI Collegiate Conference - NYU - Oct. 6, 2023

Author: Melanie Subin

Join us for an insightful presentation from Melanie Subin, Managing Director of Future Today Institute. In this discussion, Subin will delve into the fascinating landscape of risk in an era of ever-evolving technological sophistication. As we stand at the intersection of innovation and uncertainty, this discussion will explore how cutting-edge technologies like generative AI and quantum cryptography are fundamentally reshaping risk across a wide variety of industries.

Tags: Risk Management, Technology

Evolving Resilience: Creating Practical Value From Data Aggregation

Event: DRI Collegiate Conference - University College London, 14 June 2023

Author: Kate Needham-Bennett

Many of us understand the benefits of aggregating data across disciplines to get a more holistic view of an organisation; but how can we make sure that data is put to use and brought to life? How can we ensure resilience programmes add value, rather than being seen as tick-box compliance exercises? This session will explore some of the ways you can utilise resilience data to help you respond quicker in a time of polycrises, direct your investment strategy to ensure critical services remain resilience, push back on any green-washing of risks, and retain knowledge and functionality in an ever-evolving world.

Tags: Technology

Plan in Silence, Perform in Violence: Stay Resilient!

Event: Annual Conference - DRI2023

Author: Sultan E. Shukri, Turki Sameer Tammar

The Fire Protection Department of Saudi Aramco has taken proactive measures and demonstrated resiliency by sustaining continuity of operation during recent major disruptive events. They launched a comprehensive study for the business continuity plan to be aligned with the Center for Public Safety Excellence (CPSE) requirements, international organization for standardization (ISO) requirements, and Cooperate Internal Operation Excellence Model which have minimized information and asset losses and played a significant role assisting the recovery and restoration of business normal operations in a timely manner. This will be an exciting and informative session and not limited to the following: business continuity planning and critical elements, risk and threat identification methodology, and leveraging GIS technology in emergency management.

Tags: Business Continuity Program, Public Sector, Resiliency, Technology

Plenary: A Conversation with Uniper CIO Damian Bunyan: What Business Continuity Professionals Should Be Asking Their CIOs

Event: Annual Conference - DRI2023

Author: Damian Bunyan

Attend this can’t miss session to hear from a C-Level executive who truly understands resilience, as DRI Board Director Ray Seid sits down with Uniper CIO Damian Bunyan. About Uniper Düsseldorf-based Uniper is an international energy company with activities in more than 40 countries. With around 7,000 employees, it makes an important contribution to security of supply in Europe. Uniper’s core businesses are power generation in Europe, global energy trading, and a broad gas portfolio. Uniper procures gas – including liquefied natural gas (LNG) – and other energy sources on global markets. The company owns and operates gas storage facilities with a capacity of more than 7 billion cubic meters. Uniper plans for its 22.5 GW of installed power-generating capacity in Europe to be carbon-neutral by 2035. The company already ranks among Europe’s largest operators of hydroelectric plants and intends to further expand solar and wind energy, which are essential for a more sustainable and autonomous future. Uniper is a reliable partner for communities, municipal utilities, and industrial enterprises for planning and implementing innovative, lower-carbon solutions on their decarbonization journey. Uniper is a hydrogen pioneer, is active worldwide along the entire hydrogen value chain, and is conducting projects to make hydrogen a mainstay of the energy supply.

Tags: Best Practices, Business Continuity Program, IT/DR, Organizational Resilience, Process, Resiliency, Technology, Executive Support

Eighth Annual Global Risk and Resilience Trends Report

Event: DRI White Paper/Survey

Author: DRI Future Vision Committee

The DRI International Global Risk and Resilience Trends Report is now in its eighth year and continues to provide a global view of resilience trends. Written by the DRI Future Vision Committee (FVC), it gives an independent analysis of current and emerging risks as perceived by professionals directly involved in managing resilience. The FVC consists of international thought leaders and experts in all aspects of resilience management. The key input is the annual survey of certified resilience professionals which provides much of the base data for the conclusions,

Tags: Future Vision Committee, Supply Chain, Technology, Trends and Predictions, White Paper

BlackBerry Presents: How AI and Machine Learning will Transform Critical Event Management

Event: DRI Resilience Excellence Summit 2021

Author: David Wiseman and Ramon Pinero, BlackBerry

BlackBerry's David Wiseman and Ramon Pinero discuss how AI and machine learning will completely transform the Critical Event Management landscape, what a next-gen critical event management system would look like with a use case to illustrate the dramatic impact AI/ML can have on a cyberattack disaster response. David and Ramon will also provide a visionary roadmap of how BlackBerry sees these capabilities evolving over the next few years to manage modern-day threats.

Tags: Cyber Resilience, Cybersecurity, IT/DR, Resiliency, Technology

How Emerging Technologies Will Change the Practice of Business Continuity Over the Next Five Years

Event: Annual Conference - DRI2020

Author: Michele Corvino

The headlines are full of new technologies that are presented as threats to companies’ resilience. Have you ever stopped to consider how new technologies will impact the practice of business continuity beyond simply what types of events to consider in planning? In this presentation, we will look at how business continuity professionals will analyze risk and mitigate potential threats by leveraging new technologies in the next five years.

Tags: Risk Assessment, Technology

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Case Study: The Flight to DR in the Cloud

Event: Annual Conference - DRI2018

Author: Bill Lavigne, Stephen Weber

Attend this session to learn how McKesson – a Fortune 5 company delivering medical supplies, drugs, and services to the healthcare industry – transitioned from legacy disaster recovery (DR) methodologies to provide a new way of delivering DR by leveraging new state of the art technologies available in the public cloud. The presentation will take you on a short flight to disaster recovery in the cloud, which resulted in significant reduction in costs, streamlined processes with minimal effort, and the ability to test anytime and ensure application recoverability. Topics include reasons why this journey was necessary, what technology options are available, and some of the turbulence encountered along the flight path to delivering DR in the cloud.

Tags: Cloud Technology, Technology

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Technology Track Working Group: Cyberattack, Preparing for the Unexpected

Event: Annual Conference - DRI2018

Author: Jim Wexler

Newsflash! Hackers are attempting to damage or destroy the computer network at one of the world’s biggest global banks, and your job is to manage the response. This is anything but routine! Join this session to experience the cyberattack simulation. Do your teams have what it takes to lead in a crisis? In this session, you will experience a learning simulation that depicts crises – and assess your team’s predisposition to succeed. The session shares research that confirms that having the right people with the right attributes is far more effective than investing in training those who do not.

Tags: Cybersecurity, Technology

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Technology Track Kick Off

Event: Annual Conference - DRI2018

Author: Linda Conrad

Please join us as we welcome Linda Conrad, Principal of corporate and information security risk management at Exelon Corporation, to kick off our Technology Track with a discussion on how cybersecurity trends will affect BC/DR in 2018. At Exelon, a Fortune 100 Energy company, Conrad is responsible for driving strategic risk activities and engagement with the Chief Security Officer team, Information Technology, and Enterprise Risk Management. She oversees cyber and physical security Key Risk Indicators and mitigation. Conrad is partnering with the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and Robert H. Smith School of Business on development and predictive analytics of the cyber supply chain risk portal, which received the 2017 Cybersecurity Award for Practice from Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.

Tags: Cybersecurity, IT/DR, Security, Supply Chain, Technology

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Trends and Predictions from DRI’s Future Vision Committee: How to Prepare for a Volatile 2017

Event: DRI Webinar

Author: Lyndon Bird, Chair, DRI Future Vision Committee

Lyndon Bird, Chairman of DRI International’s Future Vision Committee, discusses the findings of two recent reports (also available in the Resource Library): Trends in 2016 and Predictions for 2017. Discover how your job will be impacted by world events – including cyber threats, supply chain, and the environment – and what you can do about them.

Tags: Cybersecurity, Future Vision Committee, Resiliency, Risk Management, Supply Chain, Technology, Global Strategy, Trends and Predictions

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Second Annual DRI Future Vision Committee 2017 Predictions Report

Event: DRI White Paper/Survey

Author: DRI Future Vision Committee

From politics to technology to the environment, the DRI Future Vision Committee examines the current global landscape to learn what we can expect and prepare for in 2017.

Tags: Future Vision Committee, White Paper, Global Strategy, Resiliency, Risk Management, Technology, Trends and Predictions

Local Opportunities to Expand BC/DR Skills

Event: DRI Collegiate Conference - Saint Louis University - Sept. 15, 2016

Author: Bill Darte

Learn how business continuity and disaster recovery are positioned with the body of knowledge of two important security certifications popular with the community — CompTIA Security+ and ISC2 Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP). The SLU Center for Workforce & Organization Development offers a variety of programs and certifications for professionals, some of which include academic credit for students.

Tags: Business Continuity Program, Security, Technology, Higher Education, Resilience Careers

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Cyber Attack Simulation Experience: Results Revealed!

Event: Annual Conference - DRI2016

Author: Jim Wexler

This session will look at how to immerse participants in best practices for crisis leadership - challenging them to develop the critical thinking and judgment skills required to respond to, and lead, during a crisis. The Cyber Attack Simulation Experience gathers user data to gauge effectiveness and deliver personalized coaching feedback.

Tags: Cybersecurity, Technology, Training

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Messaging Apps and Continuity: What You May Be Missing

Event: Annual Conference - DRI2016

Author: Scot Phelps

There are so many communication apps out there that it's difficult to know which to use for what. In this session, we will discuss the relative benefits of apps like Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, Viber, Skype, and more as tools for group communication, information gathering, exercises, and even providing education to colleagues around the world.

Tags: Communications/Crisis Communications, Technology

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